SMA Alma Mater Song by Luis G. Dato

By Stephen Cenon D. Talla

St. Monica Academy Alma Mater Song

I would like to mention the St. Monica Academy (SMA) Alma Mater song. The late Paulix Robosa, who sculpted the medallion of the marker of lolo Luis G. Dato at the Baao Town plaza, posted this on Baao Historical & Cultural Society September 24, 2008:

luis g. dato and Marcial L. Briones

“During my college years and I was away from Baao for years, one song that stirs up nostalgia in me is the SMA Alma Mater which I sang for years in school with my classmates. Later, I would hear it either being played briskly or sonorously by the school band or sung during alumni homecomings. The lyrics are so simple but elegant and the melody so catchy that I had no problem memorizing it in Grade two. A fellow alumni revealed in later years that he was using it in other schools which did not have a graduation song as a kind generic alma mater song, all he had to do was replace SMA’s with the name of the school.

The lyrics of the song was written by Baao’s poet laureate Luis G. Dato on the occasion of the graduation of SMA’s first graduates, among whom, my mother, Lourdes Esplana Bucela-Robosa was a member. The words were set to music by one of Bicol’s foremost musician’s of the time, the famous Marcial L. Briones of the King’s Orchestra fame.”

I grabbed a link from Ba-oo magasin:

SMA Alma Mater Song

by Marcial L. Briones/Luis G. Dato

Hail dear Alma Mater, thee we honor
Proudly in the dawn we raise thy banner
Santa Monica, Sweet Alma Mater
With thy praise thy loyal sons and daughters
Fills the land wherever they may roam
Alma Mater, Alma Mater never
Shall thy glory wane but shine forever,
Joyous to thy call thy sons will rally,
Far or near, from mountain, shore or valley,
For in thee our spirits finds its home

Santa Monica, O Santa Monica
In thy fold a true and valiant band
Through the years whatever time may bring us,
Alma Mater, we shall ever stand.


Today, St. Monica Academy, after almost 80 years of producing high caliber students is renamed as La Consolacion College Rinconada-Baao Campus.

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