Tag nature

TO A MAYA by Luis Dato


By Luis G. Dato To the ear of murmurous zephyr, Comrade, thrill your lute, While the greening leaves and bowers, Hearkening turn mute. To the boughs where wanton clinging, Flutter you about, Sing of harmonies remembered With your golden throat.…

BARCAROLE by Luis Dato


By Luis G. Dato Sing me a song of sorrow, Such as the lone bird knows, When night sits over the waters, And withered is the rose. Morning is red in the mountains, Hours fly on golden wings, Song is…

ETERNE by Luis Dato


by Luis G. Dato We are the memory of past desire, The sighs from old, forgotten agonies, We are the embers of a muffled fire, Entombed, yet breathing with the centuries. At sunset, when the clouds with bitter tears, Spread…

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