In March 11, 1953, a group of public school teachers in Baao, Camarines Sur set out to document a comprehensive well-researched history of the town of Baao. The team, led by Pedro N. Sanchez, in a 74-page paper, discussed the establishment of the town, original families; list of parish priests, justices of peace, capitanes, alcaldes and mayors; education during the Spanish and American times; bicol songs, literature and arts, beliefs, riddles and the Baaeños.

The article is courtesy of the archives of the National Library of the Philippines.

by Pedro N. Sanchez


No one shall find in the history of the whole world to have at least two places having the same histories and stories.

Thus the history and stories of the town of Baao is a unique one. The reader, who so really desires to obtain information shall find by reading this paper a real pleasure and consolation.

In treating about the Poblacion or the town proper usually it will lead to sighting and treating the whole town. The Poblacion is the integral part which cannot be taken up alone.

The author acknowledges his indebtedness to the many persons who so generously furnished the necessary informations needed for the accomplishment of this edition. Thanks for the works of Mr. Luis G. Dato, in the Baao year book from where the author secured many contributions, to Mr. Tomas Guevara, to Mr. and Mrs. Anacleto Bicaldo, and to the following teachers – Miss Aurora Badiola by furnishing three original works of her late father Evaristo Badiola in kundiman, Miss Eduvigis B. Bisuña, Miss Paz Barrameda, Miss Corazon N. Caceres, Mrs. Gertrudes R. Cabrera, Mrs. Constancia s. Luzentales, who furnished some of the musical numbers, Mrs. Juliana Barcenas, Mrs. Patrocinia O. Orqueta, Mrs. Rosario E. Britanico, Miss H. B. Barrameda, Mrs. Publea F. Relativo, Mrs. Margarita Orbita, Miss Pilar Bisenio, Miss Belen F. Ramirez, Mrs. Herminia A. Arroco, Miss Socorro Baylon, Miss Francisca Figuracion, Mrs. Catalina B. Basilio, Mr. Jose P. Britanico, Mr. Gaspar v. Fajardo, Mr. Angel Brune and Mr. Ramon Badong.

He is also indebted to Mrs. Petra B. Villemor, Mrs. Epifania A. Beldua, Mrs. Esperidiona B. Belmonte and to Mr. Simon Bañaria (deceased) in furnishing some lovely songs.

Pedro N. Sanchez (signed)



According to tradition Baao got its name from the sea-reptile, the turtle which abounds plentifully on the ancient site of Binabaloy. Tradition says that once a Spaniard, may be
a soldier happened to be passing the place asked an old man wine was squatting on the round near his hut and who was having a turtle, may be a new catch, what the name of the place is. The old man, misunderstanding what the Spaniard said for it was spoken in Spanish, calculated that the Spaniard was asking him the name of the creature. So he answered Bao. The Spaniard being not well versed of the language of the old man pronounced Bao as Baao. From that time to the present, the town is called BAAO. This is the official name of the town.


Its sitios or barrios included within the territorial limits are the following:


  1. Santa Cruz
  2. Del Rosario,
  3. San Roque,
  4. San Ramon,
  5. San Nicolas,
  6. San Jose,
  7. San Francisco


  1. San Cayetano,
  2. San Isidro,
  3. San Antonio,
  4. La Medalla,
  5. San Vicente,
  6. San Juan,
  7. Sagrada Familla,
  8. Ntra. Sra. de Lourdes,
  9. San Rafael-Icpan,
  10. Sta. Isabel,
  11. Ntra. Sra. Del Pilar,
  12. La Purisima (Caranday)
  13. Ntra. Sra. be Antipolo,
  14. La Purisima (Bagumbayan)
  15. San Rafael (Pugay)
  16. Salvacion,
  17. Santiago (Nababarera)
  18. Santa Eulalia,
  19. Juan Fajardo,
  20. Del Rosario (Tapol)
  21. San Rafael (Gulagnan)
  22. Santa Teresita.


The establishment of the town proper, the Poblacion which means the establishment of the town dates back in the year 1704 with Capitan Faustino Lumaad as the executive officer.

town of baao
The town of Baao history in 1953


A characteristic of the Baao population is the close-blood relationship of most of the inhabitants and intermarriages between families within the third or fourth degrees which is unusual, and distinctive of primitive societies when human life was still rare. The original or earliest families are the Badi1la, Badiola, Badong, Baesa, Bañaria, Barcelona, Barrameda, Bisenio, Borela, Breboneria, Bricenio, Brigola, Buena, Bulalacao, Esplana and Palencia, which jointly with the other newer and less numerous families can account for as much as 80% of the total population by consanguinity or affinity. A conservative estimate will place this at about 70%.

Catalogo Alfabetico de Apellidos published in Manila, November, 1849.

Most of the surnames begin with the letter “B” which was given the town when by the Royal Decree of 1845 (1849), the Filipino names were abolished and the Filipinos were given Spanish surnames, under Governor Claveria.

Some foreign blood, Chinese and Spanish, and to a limited extent German and Italian has found its way in the population as a result of our long political relation with China and Spain, and through Spain and the church with Italy and Germany, the latter of which formed for some time a part of the Spanish Empire of Charles V or were of the ecclesiastical hierarchy of which Rome was and still is the center. Of such families, those of Imperial, Fajardo and Sanchez may be mentioned. Tradition has it that the Imperials descended from three German travelers who ware wrecked near the Philippines and lured by the absorbing beauty and charm of our land and people decided to stay and make the province their new home. At all events, they and their descendants intermarried with the indigenous elements so that today no caste is set apart from the mass.

The people are well known for their hospitality. They are peaceful, law-abiding, religious, conservative, politically conscious, interested in education for their children and the masses, passionately loyal to America even during the darkest days, never giving way to petty mutual envy and jealousy which would deter their union and progress in economic, social and political fields but exhibiting sometimes a trend towards easy-street indolence and procrastination. They are courteous, kind, well behaved, lovers of good times with wine, women and the fine arts, but strangely enough, need much instruction in proper nutrition and balanced diet.



  1. Bartolomea Imperial – Mariano Guevara
    1. Juana-Francisco Imperial
      1. Juana-Francisca Barrameda
      2. Baldomero – Esperanza Fajardo
      3. German-Lucia Anastacia Buena
    2. Tomas-Estefania Beltran
      1. Juan – Angela Sanchez/Canuta Imperial
      2. Agustina-Eusebio Serrano
      3. German-Lucia Azatla / Maria Bisuña
      4. Silverio-Raymunda Bisuña
    3. Maria-Totanos Aroyo
      1. Matoo-Benigna Imperial
      2. Serafina-Gregorio Estrada
      3. Ignacio-Rosenda Reyes / Leoncia Guanzon
      4. Domingo-Tomasa Barremada
      5. Mariano-Lazara Barrameda
      6. Andres-Victoriana Berlin / Sofia Magtarayo
    4. Ludovico-Higina Imperial
      1. Barbara-Eugenio Dato
      2. Jovita
    5. Manuel- Cristino Bona
      1. Mariano-Gaspara Bulalacao
      2. Victoria-Ambrosio Salvador
    6. Benedicta-Vicente Bismonte
      1. Eufrasio-Alejandra Beldua
      2. Ignacio-Isabel Buena
      3. Rufina-Domingo Fajardo
      4. Gregoria-German Barlin
      5. Adriana-Justo Soriano
      6. Maria-Pascual Bofe
      7. Fortunata-Juan Bisuna
    7. Aleja-Carlos Reis
      1. Gregorio-Pacifica Brinas
      2. Isidro- Antonia Gumabao
      3. Laurencio-Besilia Matarayo
      4. Honorata-Santiago Imperial
      5. Juana- Perfecta Buena
    8. Juanita-Nicolas Beltran
      1. Justino
      2. Maria-Paulino Bernas
    9. Silvestre-Bernardina Fajardo
      1. Encarnacion-Bernardino Arroyo
      2. Consuelo
  2. Rafael Imperial-Maria Arroyo
    1. Juana-Lucas Sanchez
      1. Laureana-Francisco Quirol
      2. Fulgencio-Maria Matias
    2. Petrona-Jose de la Paz
      1. Maria
  3. Ambrosia-Juan Esplana
    1. Torcuator Esplana-Josofe Imperial / Luisa Cortez
      1. Crescenciano-Maria Mesia
      2. Justa-Mariano Valladolid
      3. Silvina-Protacio Beldua
      4. Victoria-Eleuterio Arroyo
      5. Sotero- Angela Sanbuan
      6. Manuela-Fermin Ballesteros
    2. Bruna
    3. Clemente-Pascuala Borja
      1. Josefa-Juan Barrameda / Gregorio Bustilla
      2. Telesfora-Marciano Magtarayo
    4. Agatha-? Arroyo
      1. Mateo-Eulogia de Austria
      2. Catalino-Geronima de la Cruz
      3. Pioquinto-Juana Imperial
      4. Patricio-?
      5. Guillermo-Maria ?
    5. Ambrosia-Mariano Barrameda
      1. Valentin-Rafaela Briñas
      2. Hilarion-Honorata Badilla
      3. Francisca-Julian Totanes
      4. Inocencia-
      5. Procopio-Dominga Buena
    6. Nazario-Pioquinta Bismonte
      1. Anacleto-Brigida Maglapid
      2. Pedro-
      3. Benita-Nicomedes Buyot
      4. Nicolas-Alejandra Badiola
      5. Dalmacio- ?
      6. Mariano-
    7. Dionisio- ?
      1. Laon-Esperanza Botardo
      2. Aurelio-Bandang Palencia
      3. Nicolas-Serepiona
  1. Gregorio-Buena Bellaza (Imperial)
    1. Demetrio-Petra Rosales
    2. Juana-Esteban Rosales
    3. Jose-Mercedes Estrada
    4. Enracio-Dolores Romero
    5. Federico-Concordia Leonen
  2. Francisco-


  • Tomas Guevara
  • Dolores Sanchez
  • Luisa Beldua
  • Maxima Imperial vda. de Silva-Netto


  1. R. P. Fr. Domingo de Palencia 1795-1796 3 yrs
  2. R. P. Fr. Josa Fuensalida 1795-1797 1 yr
  3. R. P. Fr. Podro Antonio de la Sma Tri. 1797-1801 4 yrs
  4. R. P. Fr. Jose Diaz del Rosario 1801-1822 21 yrs
  5. R. P. Fr. Lazaro de la Cruz (Interino) 1822-1833 11 yrs
  6. R. P. Fr. Thomas Franco (Interino) 1833-1834 1 yr
  7. R. P. Fr. Thomas Antonio Guadalajara (Int) 1854-1855 1 yr
  8. R. P. Fr. Tomas Manso 1835-1836 1 yr
  9. R. P. Fr. Antonio Estoves (Interino) 1836-1837 1/2 yr
  10. R. P. Fr. Francisco de Madrid 1837-1842 5 yrs
  11. R. P. Fr. Francisco Roque 1842-1844 2 yrs
  12. R. P. Fr. Juan Ramos (Interino) 1844-1844 5 mos
  13. R. P. Fr. Andros Barrachina 1844-1847 3 yrs
  14. R. P. Fr. Francisco Cabrera 1847-1056
  15. R. P. Fr. Andres Barrachina 1856-1861 5 yrs
  16. R. P. Fr. Severino Pastoral (Interino) 1861-1862 5 mos
  17. R. P. Fr. Romualdo de Madrilejos (Int) 1862-1862 7 mos
  18. R. P. Fr. Prudencio de los Santos 1862-1862 2 mos
  19. R. P. Fr. Jacinto Franco 1862-1869 7 yrs
  20. R. P. Fr. Ignacio Garcia (Intorino).1069-1070 6 mos
  21. R. P. Fr. Josua Gonzales 1670-1675 3 yrs
  22. R. P. Fr. Isidro Pons 1673-1876 3 yrs
  23. R. P. Fr. Pablo Gomez 1876-1877 1 1/2 yrs
  24. R. P. Fr. Eusebio Comez Flatero (Int) 1876-1876 5 mos
  25. R. P. Fr. Vicento Rojo 1878-1882 4 yrs
  26. R. P. Fr. Carlos Cabido 1882-1883 1 1/4 yrs
  27. R. P. Fr. Mariano Herrejon 1883-1885 2 yrs
  28. R. P. Fr. Mateo Atienza (Interino) 1885-1885 5 mos
  29. R. P. Fr. Juan Ravelo (Encargado) 1885-1885 1 mo
  30. R. P. Fr. Jose Castano 1885-1896 10 yrs
  31. R. P. Fr. Juaquin Manteca 1891-1895 5 yrs
  32. R. P. Fr. Guillermo Rojo (Encargado) 1896-1896 3 mos
  33. R. P. Fr. Zacarias Galicia. (Encar) 1896-1896 7 mos
  34. R. P. Fr. Mariano Marcos (Interino) 1896-1897 9 mos
  35. R. P. Fr. Francisco Eusebio (Encar) 1897-1897 1 mo
  36. R. P. Fr. Antonio Roman (Interino) 1897-1898 1 yr
  37. R. P. Fr. Francisco Eusebio (Int) 1898-1890 1 mo
  38. R. P. Fr. Teodoro Jacob Abrazante (Int) 1898-1899 1 yr
  39. R. P. Fr. Marcelo Badiola (Interino) 1899-1901 1 1/2 yrs
  40. R. P. Fr. Mariano Martinez (Interino) 1901-1901 3 mos
  41. R. P. Fr. Marcelo Badiola (Interino) 1901-1901 4 mos
  42. R. P. Fr. Mariano Martinez (Interino) 1901-1902 10 mos
  43. R. P. Fr. Marcelo Badiola 1902-1903 4 mos
  44. R. P. Fr. Felipe Orense 1903-1910 7 yrs
  45. R. P. Fr. Praxidio Penoso 1910-1914 4 yrs
  46. R. P. Fr. Jose Fuentebella 1914-1914 1 day
  47. R. P. Fr. Pedro Soliven (Encargado) 1914-1914 6 mos
  48. R. P. Fr. Marcelo Badiola 1915-1925 10 yrs
  49. R. P. Fr. Leandro Cedo (Interino 1925-1925 4 mos
  50. R. P. Fr. Leoncio Arejola 1925-1926 6 mos
  51. R. P. Fr. Florencio Gonzales 1926-1941 15 yrs
  52. Demetrio Martires 1941- up to the present time. (1955)


  1. Don Fulgencio Sanchez July 1888- July 1890
    Don Marcelino Barrameda — Assistant
  2. Don Nicolas Beltran July 1890 – July 1892
    Don Eulalio de Austria — Assistant
  3. Don Juan Guevara July 1892 — July 1894
    Don Condrado Badilla — Assistant
  4. Don Fulgencio Sanchez July 1894 – July 1896
    Don Hilarion Barrameda — Assistant
  5. Don Juan Perez July 1896 – Oct. 1896
    Don Hilarion Barrameda Oct. 1896 – Aug. 1897
  6. Don Laurencio Boiz Aug. 1897 – Jan. 1898
    Don Eusebio Serrano Jan. 1898 – Oct. 1898


  1. Don Nicolas Beltran July 1901 – Mar. 1904
    German Barlin — Assistant
  2. Don Eugenio Dato Apr. 1904 – May 1906
    Don Julian H. Barrameda — Assistant
  3. Don Julian H. Barrameda June 1906 – Dec. 1907
    Don Baldomero Imperial — Assistant
  4. Don Conrado Badilla Jan. 1908 – 1910
    Don Eusebio Serrano — Assistant
  5. Don Paulino Bernas 1911 – 1913
    Don Eusebio Serrano — Assistant
  6. Don Maximo Eclar 1915 – 1924
    Don Tomas Guevara — Assistant
  7. Don Tomas Guevara 1925 – 1927
    Don Juan Botardo – Assistant
  8. Don Arcadio Bolo 1928 – 1936
    Don Irineo Llorin 1936 – 1945
  9. Don Jose Barrameda Nov. 15, 1945 – July 1945
    Don Cosme Gonowon Aug. 1946
  10. Don Jose F. Madara 1946 – 1951
    Don Nicolas Papica 2 mos. ad interim
    Don Ramon Pardo 2 mos. ad interim
  11. Gregorio S. Turiano May 2, 1952 up to the present time (1955)


(missing a page)

  1. Don Josep de los Reyes 1737-1738
  2. Ph. Demaague 1739
  3. Don Diego Tomas de Aguino 1740
  4. Don Cepriano de Torres 1741
  5. Don Josep de los Reyes 1742
  6. Don Bernardo de la Trinidad 1743
  7. Don Bernabe de la Trinidad 1744-1745
  8. Don Alonso del Espiritu Santo 1746
  9. Don Jose de los Reyes 1747-1751
  10. Don Melchor Angel 1752
  11. Don Lazaro Quilbano 1753
  12. Don Pablo Ramos 1754
  13. Don Jose Tomeo 1755
  14. Don Pablo Ramos 1756
  15. Don Jose Fome 1757
  16. Don Josep de los Reyes 1758
  17. Don Pablo Ramos 1759
  18. Don Jose Tomeo 1760
  19. Don Philip Dimalacao 1761
  20. Don Pablo Ramos 1762
  21. Don Fernando del Sacramento 1765
  22. Don Florentino Atigo 1764
  23. Don Ventura Guillermo 1765
  24. Don Bernabe de la Trinidad 1768
  25. Don Pablo Ramos 1767
  26. Don Juan Placido 1768
  27. Don Phillp Dimalacao 1769
  28. Don Ventura Gullermo 1770
  29. Don Allonso Caceres 1771
  30. Don Alejo de los Reyes 1772
  31. Don Florentino Simon 1773
  32. Don Josap de los Reyes 1774
  33. Don Alejo de los Reyes 1775-1776
  34. Don Manuel Alejo 1777
  35. Don Francisco Ilomena 1778
  36. Don Ventura Antang 1779
  37. Don Alejo de los Rayes 1780
  38. Ventura Gulllermo 1781
  39. Don Pedro de San Juan 1762
  40. Don Alejo de los Reyes 1783
  41. Don Ventura Antang 1764
  42. Don Prancisco Mathe 1785
  43. Don Pascual Oriel 1786
  44. Don Felipe Lumaad 1787
  45. Don Francisco Matheo 1788
  46. Don Alejo de los Reyes 1789
  47. Don Fernando Benjamin 1790
  48. Don Alfonso Caceres 1791
  49. Don Francisco Matheo 1792
  50. Don Alejo de los Reyes 1793
  51. Don Juan Dimacatin 1794
  52. Don Calixto Lopez 1795
  53. Don Gil Benjamin 1796
  54. Don Fedro de san Juan 1797
  55. Don Alejo de los Reyes 1798
  56. Don Manuel de San Esteban 1799
  57. Don Alfonso Caceres 1800
  58. Don Antonio de San Josa 1801
  59. Don Vicente Marcelo 1802
  60. Don Roque Reymundo 1803
  61. Don Francisco Alfonso 1804
  62. Don Teodosio de Ste. Ana Bagaporo 1805
  63. Don Policarpo de Sto. Domingo 1806
  64. Don Blas Candelaria 1807
  65. Don Timoteo de San Jose 1808
  66. Don Pedro de San Juan 1809
  67. Don Juan de San Pascual 1810
  68. Don Geronimo de Leon 1811
  69. Don Inocencio de los Reyes 1612-1813
  70. Don Anselmo de Ste. Rosa 1814
  71. Don Vivencio Ignacio 1815
  72. Don Mario Evangelista 1816
  73. Don Juan Magtarayo 1817
  74. Inocencio de San Simon 1818
  75. Don Mariano Lucas 1819
  76. Antonio de San Bruno 1820
  77. Don Mariano Imperial 1821


  1. Don Vicente Ambrocio 1822
  2. Don Francisco Jacinto
  3. Don Pedro Arroyo 1823
  4. Antonio Soriano
  5. Don Mariano Lucas 1824
  6. Don Gil G. Gumabao
  7. Don Francisco Tiburcio 1825
  8. Don Anselmo de Sta. Rosa 1826
  9. Don Juan Totanes 1827
  10. Don Ambrocio Bagaporo 1828
  11. Don Mariano Doroteo 1829
  12. Don Rafael Imperial 1830
  13. Don Antonio Soriano 1831
  14. Don Manuel de San Antonio 1832
  15. Don Gil G. Gumabao 1833
  16. Don Gulliermo Bernardito 1834
  17. Don Geronimo de la Fortuna 1835
  18. Francisco Gumabao 1836
  19. Don Claudio de San Luis 1837
  20. Don Rafael de los Angeles 1838
  21. Don Juan de Santa Ana 1839
  22. Don Raymundo de los Santos 1840
  23. Don Juan Agustin Esplana 1841
  24. Don Pascual Soriano 1842
  25. Don Alejo de Sto. Domingo 1843
  26. Don Domingo de San Miguel 1844
  27. Don Domingo Nunez 1845
  28. Don Gregorio de Sto. Topas 1846
  29. Don Juan de San Pedro 1847
  30. Don Antonio Fermin 1848
  31. Don Maximo Guevara 1849
  32. Don Maaximo Guevara 1850
  33. Don Lucas Placido Sanchez 1851-1852
  34. Don Fulgencio Bona Purificacion 1853
  35. Don Francisco Pelices Imperial 1854
  36. Don Mateo Barlin Alfonso 1855
  37. Don Antonio Babeda Ignacio 1856
  38. Don Juan Bolivar Reyes 1857
  39. Don Francisco Fajardo 1858
  40. Don Damiano Sanchez 1859
  41. Don Juan Badilla 1860
  42. Don Francisco Barrameda 1861
  43. Don Tomas Guevara 1862
  44. Don Juan Arroyo 1865
  45. Don Jacob Imperial 1864-1865
  46. Don Santiago Mesia 1866-1867
  47. Don Juan Gumabao 1868-1869
  48. Don Juan Baliwag 1870-1871
  49. Don Mariano Barrameda 1872-1873
  50. Don Bartolome Ballesteros 1874-1875
  51. Don Liberato Bigay 1876-1877
  52. Don Marcelino Barrameda 1878-1879
  53. Don Fulgencio Sanchez 1880-1881
  54. Don Juan Bernas 1882-1683
  55. Don Nicolas Beltran 1884-1885
  56. Don Eulallo de Austria 1886-1887
  57. Don Genaro Banaga 1888-1889
  58. Don Ignacio Arroyo 1890
  59. Don Pedro Badong 1891-1892
  60. Don Mariano Banaga 1895-1894
  61. Don Juan Guevara 1895 – 1897
  62. Don Juan Guevara 1898 – 1899
  63. Don Fulgencio Sanchez 1900 – 1901


  1. Don Baldomero Imperial 1901 – 1904
  2. Don Silverio Guevara 1904 – 1906
  3. Don Valeriano Barrameda 1906 – 1908
  4. Don Baldomero Imperial 1909 – 1911
  5. Don Julian Barrameda 1911 – 1916
  6. Don Eleuterio Arroyo 1916 – 1919
  7. Don Domingo Fajardo 1919 – 1922
  8. Don Felix Imperial 1922 – 1925
  9. Don Evaristo Badiola 1925 – 1931
  10. Don Julian H. Barrameda 1931 – 1934
  11. Don Cirilo Esplana 1934 – 1938


  1. Don Jose Serrano 1938 -1941 (responsible for the construction of the Baao Fountain)
  2. Don Luis Dato 1941 – 1943
  3. Don Tomas Guevara 1945 – 1945
  4. Don Francisco Barretto May 1945 – Oct, 1945 (Subs)
  5. Don Tomas Guevara Oct. 1945 – Jun. 1946
  6. Don Luis Dato Jun 1946 – 1947
  7. Don Juan E. Fajardo 1947 – 1952
  8. Don Gavino V. Barrandon 1952 up to the present time (1953)


The former site of the town proper was in Binanuaanan now barrio of Santa Eulalia of Baao. Due to floods which often occurred and visited the place, the town proper of the Poblacion was moved further south where the Bay and Langday streams meet on their way to Baao Lake, where the driller for a now ground well or the workers digging posts for a new house are often astounded to excavate human skulls and bones and bits of ancient Chinese porcelain of the Yuan or Ming dynasty which are popular with the Filipinos in Spanish and pre-Spanish times, and often buried with the dead. Houses kept moving southward seeking higher levels and a less damp climate.

Baao lies on a plain on the eastern bank of the Bicol River traversed by the smaller Waras, Langday, Dingui, Burabod, Tagontong, Travesia, Igatol, Agdagnan and Pawili streams and creeks. She is also traversed by hills which is forming a continuous range from Mt. Iriga (called Ki-Agang) to Mt. Isarog with Simurai as its highest hill overlooking the town and the valley from the east.


St. Bartholomew Parish Church in Baao 1966

Baao has nothing to boast and show to the world such thing as monuments, parks, etc. except of two things, the first one is the church as one of the oldest churches in the Philippines. The earthquake which occured in the eighteenth century destroyed the first one and upon it stands the present beautiful one, due mainly to the untiring efforts and true love of a father, Reverend Father Florencio Gonzales. Its yard (patio) and walls too were given that art of architectural beauty. The second one is the newly constructed monument of the late first Bicol Bishop, Mons. Jorge Barlin, now standing infront of the church just outside of its yard by the National highway. Through the effort of an old timer from Baao Rev. Fr. Carlos Badiola, at present the Curate of the town of Guinobatan of the province of Albay.


During the American occupation, General Lukban with a force of about 1000 men, took his quarters in Baao. He was joined by Corporal Elias Angeles and his men who constructed trenches In Agdangan. However, when the showdown came Elias Angeles and his men were left to face the Americans, General Lukban having decamped farther south. In a short time the fight was over in favor of the Americans.

A great fire razed the town in the first days of the American occupation, in 1902, destroying the main bulldings in the Poblacion. This set back many years the real estate construction of Baao which lags behind Iriga, which it surpassed during the Spanish period. Two other great fires, one in 1906 and another in 1919 in the town proper, or thereabouts plus parts of the adjacent barrio of San Jose. The owners of the houses burned were duly indemnified by the Manila Railroad Company, the sparks from one of whose locomotives started the conflagration.

Shortly before the war, and again due to Father Florencio Gonzales, with the help of donations from Mrs. Carlota vda. de Baliwag, a private parochial school was founded in 1939. It offers primary courses and now has opened intermediate and secondary classes. It gives also special courses in Spanish and piano.

The events of the Japanese period in which about 200 civilian lives were lost, and damage inflicted upon private houses and properties.

Agdangan Massacre

agdangan massacre
agdangan massacre

The most lamentable Japanese atrocity was that one of Agdagnan, Baao, which took place Tuesday, October 17, 1944, bayonetting and burning men, women and children which numbers to about ninety persons. They are herein listed below;

  1. Adan, Juana de
  2. Adan, Rufino
  3. Adriano, Felicisima de
  4. Adriano, Martin
  5. Badiola, Mercedes de
  6. Baesa, Maura de
  7. Baesa, Apolonio Jr
  8. Baesa, Elisa
  9. Baesa, Lilia
  10. Baesa, Norberto
  11. Baesa, Paulo
  12. Balilla, Servillane de
  13. Balilla, Jose
  14. Barcelona, Rosa de
  15. Baudin, Nicolasa de
  16. Bayos, Anacleto (San Isldro)
  17. Bazar, Isidra de
  18. Bernas, Marina de
  19. Bernas, Domingo
  20. Bernas, Ester
  21. Bernas, Eugenio
  22. Bernas, Irenita
  23. Bernas, Romeo
  24. Blsonio, Emilda
  25. Bisenio, Ceferina
  26. Bisenio, Emiliane de
  27. Bisenio, Pedro (S. Isidro)
  28. Bismonte, Leon
  29. Bismonte, Valentina de
  30. Bismonte, Aurora
  31. Bismonte, Celso
  32. Bismonte, Lourdes
  33. Bismonte, Salvacion
  34. Bongyad, Dorotea
  35. Borela, Bartolomea de
  36. Borela, Macario
  37. Borja, Adela
  38. Borja, Ines de
  39. Botor, Josefina
  40. Comprado, Gloria
  41. Comprado, Leonila
  42. Comprado, Maria de
  43. Comprado, Nicasio
  44. Imperial, Faustino
  45. Malaya, Victor
  46. Nedia, Erlinda
  47. Nedia, Felicisima de
  48. Panambo, Alberto
  49. Panambo, German
  50. Panambo, Hermilo
  51. Panambo, Isidro
  52. Panambo, Rustico
  53. Ranin, Eupita de
  54. Ranin, Leticia
  55. Sabiniano, Mercedes đe
  56. Servino, Pablo
  57. Toralde, Entino (San Isidro)
  58. Briboneria, Valentino
  59. Balilla, Jesus
  60. Adan, Mardelina de
  61. Borja, Coleta
  62. Borja, Marina
  63. Bolalin, Pablo
  64. Briboneria, Anacleta de
  65. Comprado, Apolonia
  66. Panambo, Emilio
  67. Borela, Maura
  68. Baesa, Alberto
  69. Blsenio, Delfin
  70. Briones, Emiliana
  71. Brandes, Ines
  72. Borja, Rosita
  73. Bazar, Felicisima
  74. Borela. Servillano
  75. Paz, Nicolasa
  76. Adriano, Felicidad
  77. Balilla, Maria

The place of massacre is marked with a cross just by the National Highway at the left side in going to Naga City near the demolished Manila R.R. Station.


As a result of her growth, and those of the adjacent towns, various boundary disputes have risen, the most bloody of which was the land conflict with Nabua in 1808. Many people lost lives, and in Baao tradition tells of two brothers who led the Baao group in defense of Baao’s land who were hailed as heroes. It is a commentary to the gratitude of the town that today their names are hardly known by even the best educated families.


The traditional industries of Baao are hemp, rice, fishing, lumbering, and weaving. The abaca and copra industries which constitute Baao’s main money-crops today, were not as important as her rice and fishing industries in early days. Farming, fishing, lumbering and weaving comprised as today the main pattern of her economic effort. In the old days, Baao’s cloth was well known in the province but now its pre-eminence in this field has been replaced by bigger, more bustling towns. There has been no progress but a marked decline due to the competition also of foreigh cotton, wool, and silk textiles, but during the Japanese occupation it recelved a tremendous, artificial if not temporary stimualation. On the other hand, from a minor industry, copra-making and hemp-stripping have boen stimulated by the American free market, to become by far the leading local industries. Much had been done by the people however in order that they be more economically strong in their stand. A lot of other industries were added to the leading ones such as carpentry, masonry, brown-sugar making, tailoring, embroidery making, dress making, hair-culture or science, slipper, and shoe repairing, basketry making, rope making, furniture making, merchandising, farming at its great scale though there is still much room for improvement and many other things more.


Marius John 1941
Marius John 1941

Foremost American teachers who reached, stayed and taught in Baao were Mr. Marius John and Mr. Hamilton, may be two of the Thomasites. Mr. John, was the author of the “A Philippine Saga”. The Baawenos have these two educators always in their minds and hearts for the good work they had done in Baao as missionaries on education.


  1. Florentina Baliwag, incharge of the girls’ Spanish Public School.
  2. Juan Garcia, incharge of the boys’ Spanish Public School.
  3. Florentina Llagas (Mrs. Balilla) incharge of the Spanish Private School. She was responsible for the education of the following persons:- Rosario Barlin (Mrs. Tomas Guevara; Manuela Barlin – at present a nun assigned in the Santa Monica College, in Baao as Mother Superior; Dolores Sanchez; Engracia Sanchez; Luis Guevara and others.
  4. Petrona Fajardo – Spanish Private School Teacher and a comedian trainer.
  5. Anselma Beltran – Spanish Private School Teacher, mother to Judge Juan Perez.
  6. Engracio Arroyo – Spanish Private School Teacher, He was the first teacher of Julian H. Barrameda, Teodocio Wenceslao, Tomas Guevara, Santiago Imperial and many others.


  1. Mr. Marius John, author of “A Philippine Saga”
  2. Mr. Hamilton
  3. Miss Maura Gonzaga (Mrs. Imperial) Central School
  4. Miss Feliza Fajardo (Mrs. Paulino Bernas) S. Juan Sch.
  5. Mr. Vitaliano Buena
  6. Mr. Evaristo Badiola
  7. Mr. Matias Bigay, Caranday Public School
  8. Mrs. Juliana E. Barcenas
  9. Miss Eduvigis B. Bisuna
  10. Mrs. Constancia S. Luzentales
  11. Miss Paz Barrameda
  12. Miss Consejo E. Fajardo (Mrs. Acantalicio)
  13. Miss Catalina B. Badilla (Mrs. Basilio)
  14. Mrs. Josefina Ll. Ramirez
  15. Mr. Ramon P. Badong
  16. Miss Cleotilde R, Banaga (Mrs. Fajardo)
  17. Miss Pilar Bisenio
  18. Miss Catalina S. Imperial (Mrs. Dy-Liacco)
  19. Mr. Angel Buena
  20. Miss Belen P. Ramirez
  21. Miss Francisca Guevara (deceased)
  22. Miss Paz Guevara (deceased)
  23. Mr. Simeon T. Bismonte
  24. Mrs. Herminia A. Arroco
  25. Mr. Venerando Bernas
  26. Mrs. Amparo I. Barcelona
  27. Mr. Exequiel B. Bigay
  28. Miss Zorahaida B. Camacho
  29. Mrs. Felisa Q. Badong
  30. Mrs. Estefania B. Buena
  31. Mr. Jose P. Britanico
  32. Mr. Justino Sabularse
  33. Miss Rufina S. Fajardo
  34. Miss Aurora B. Bisenio
  35. Mr. Francisco B. Fajardo
  36. Miss Catalina F. Baesa
  37. Mrs. Juana Bulalacao
  38. Mr. Gaspar V. Fajardo
  39. Miss Isidra L. Briones
  40. Mr. Jose B. Fajardo
  41. Mr. Juan B. Quinones
  42. Miss Aurea B. Badiola
  43. Mr. Andres Bancaso
  44. Mr. Manuel B. Benosa
  45. Mrs. Fenny B. Bayta
  46. Mrs. Adelina I. Perdon
  47. Misa Lourdes B. Margarito
  48. Miss Lourdes B. Bigay
  49. Mr. Pablo B. Esplana
  50. Miss Salome S. Imperial
  51. Miss 0limpia Britanico
  52. Mrs. Beatriz M. Nacario
  53. Mrs. Rufina B. Buitre
  54. Mr. Rosendo S. Benosa
  55. Mrs. Generosa O. Esplana
  56. Mr. Mariano R. Baasa
  57. Mr. Eleno Carando
  58. Mrs. Rosario B. Britanico
  59. Miss Aurora Badiola
  60. Miss Benigna Balating
  61. Miss Gertrudes Barrameda
  62. Miss Cristeta Baesa
  63. Miss Adela Balane
  64. Mr. Moises Barono
  65. Me. Antonio Bufe
  66. Mr. Florentino Bicaldo
  67. Miss Arcenia Mendinueta
  68. Mrs. Cornelia S. Dato
  69. Mr. Evaristo Botor
  70. Mr. Ramon Bayta
  71. Mr. Jose Llorens-Prin.
  72. Mr. Mardelo Bancaso-Prin.
  73. Mr. Benedicto Flor-SP
  74. Miss Amparo Flor
  75. Mr. Jose Imperial
  76. Mr. Ceferino Ballesteros
  77. Miss Antonia Badiola
  78. Miss Nemia Arroyo
  79. Miss Lucia Barrameda
  80. Mr. Pablo Ventajar
  81. Mr. Rafael Blasco
  82. Mrs. Maria Briboneria
  83. Mr. Alvaro Brisuela
  84. Mr. Melecio Brisuela
  85. Mr. Benjamin P. Britanico
  86. Mr. Olap Benosa
  87. Mr. Amado Austria
  88. Mr. Benito Babilonia
  89. Mr. Francisco Babilonia
  90. Mr. Eliseo Badiola
  91. Mr. Eduardo Badiola
  92. Mrs. Patrocinio Pontillas
  93. Mr. Mariano Imperial
  94. Mr. Nicolas Bulalacao (deceased)
  95. Mr. Mauro Fajardo
  96. Mr. Leon Buena
  97. Mr. Braulio Buena
  98. Mr. Fernando Botor (deceased)
  99. Mr. Vito Briboneria
  100. Miss Herminia Arroyo
  101. Mr. Enrique Bancaso (Atty)
  102. Mr. Prospero Barreta
  103. Mr. Primo Barrameda
  104. Miss Salome Barrameda
  105. Mr. Juan Badiola
  106. Mrs. Restituta M. Caro
  107. Mrs. Ester Borja
  108. Mr. Sebastian Borja
  109. Mr. Patricio Badiola (deceased)
  110. Miss Meden Arroyo
  111. Mrs. Milagros de los Santos
  112. Mrs. Vicenta O. Pimentel
  113. Mr. Antero Flor
  114. Mr. Francisco Bañaria


If the Japanese Imperial Forces have had so many of their atrocities so to the Spaniards during the Spanish time. The following Baawenos were given the bars in NAGA jail during the Spanish time:

  1. Don Juan Guevara – Capitan actual 1896
  2. Don Juan Perez – Juez de Paz
  3. Don Mariano Banaga – Ex-Capitan 1896
  4. Don Nicolas Beltran – Ex-Gobernadorc1llo
  5. Don Ludovico – Ex-Cabeza de Barangay
  6. Don Doroteo – Cuadrillero

The above named men were arrested for suspicion to be leading a revolution. During the first night of their arrest, they were imprisoned in San Francisco Church. Then from the second day up to weeks they were kept in the Provincial Jail, the present Provincial Jail.

Some Baawenos too besides many others were placed in the BAAO STOCKADE during the Japanese regime. The said stockade was constructed right in front of the destroyed Gabaldon Frimary Building temporarily occupied by the municipal officials at present, where the present social hall is. The said stockade was enclosed in a fence of barbed wire. Some of the men who suffered in that stockade were as follows:

  1. One from Agdangan whose name was forgotten.
  2. TIto Dato, who furnished the following information:

He was kept for three days and two nights in the stockade. For his food he was fed by his own people, otherwise he would have been fed with porridge only without fish in a coconut shell or any sort of a viand to go with the porridge. Just as soon as he was arrested he was cross-examined and his arms were bound of his own coat by Lieutenant Juan Arroco in pajamas only in his office in the garrison, and for every question Arroco makes or while Dato was on his answering, Dato was given a good boxing or kicking. Dato was just like a dummy for boxing, jabbing or kicking practice for his arms were tied. This is really the Japanese way.

First Lieutenant Juan Arroco was the commanding officer of the garrison, with 2nd Lieut. Ignacio Elegado, his Ex-O, while 2nd Lieut. Alfonso Salvador, incharge of the mess. Concha was his acting First Sargeant with Sergeant Tomas Badilla as Desk Sargeant.

Lieutenant Arroco, when he was in his throne showed fearful fierceness. He shunned pity-seeking nation-mates. Going back to Dato’s case, the only cause of his being grilled, garrisoned and dummied or of being punished was his telling some one not to be lending rice to the P.C. command for they don’t know how to pay. This say reached the ears of Lt. Arroco by a certain P.C. enlisted man who happened to be in the place where Dato spoke through Sgt. Tomas Badilla.

Many poor men who were on their way home quite late at night because perhaps of the distance they ware covering or perhaps of their inability to secure their meal for the night at the earlier hours, they were still pacing the roads when the curfew call sounded. These poor men were caught by the vigils, carried to the garrison and placed in the stockade not to reach home and more the whole night till morning to the dismay and great fearof their loved ones waiting at home for their return bringing the day’s bread. But their waiting were all in vain. The mother with the worms in her bill, winging to her 1ittle ones in her nest, was fatally wounded by an arrow released by pitiless hand somewhere in a forest still far from home. Ah, what a pity, what a misery. What happened to the birdies? The men, the poor men in the stockade have to suffer the arrow pricking their heart’s and the pangs of the cold night without anything where to sleep on and hungy. They have just to stand there, squat or sit, packed-up like sardines. They are poor anyway, helpless beings and so just chatted with their stockade-mates in low mournful tones. Such were the brutal Filipino days, in the Japanese Imperial calendar.

Though such were some of the treatments given by the Filipinos under the pinions of the Rising Sun, yet the GUERELLEROS did not lost hope, did not lost faith in the STARS AND STRIPES. They went on. They marched on. Here is their:


We are the soldiers
Up in the mountain side
Seeking the freedom
Of these Fair Isles;
We have to fight
With our might
For freedom’s right
For the cause of the Free Philippines,
Up in the forest
Anong the shaded trees
We have to roam
We have to live for her sake.
March on third battalion,
Go and fight for Victory
Spur up and rush out
To expell the brutal foes,
Thompsons and carbines
We will have to drive them out,
We will have to lick them
We will have to rout them
Soldiers of the mountain side.

Yes, the GUERILLEROS went on. Thay marched on till the brutal foes gave way.

The Japanese Imperial Forces had their air-dropped leaflet and plenty from the guerillas too to counterfight the Jap missing of complete surrender. Following are two of its kinds:

(Sa magna FILIPINOS na espias can Japon asin magna campi nang
gayo can Japon.)

Magna catugagnan na samuyang na momotan,
tagnani quitang magnag ca sinabotan,
caming catood nindo tabi hinanioga,
ca diguit ming sa sabihon saindo tabi dagnoga.

Camo asin cani tunay na mag turugang,
sarong ina an satuyang guinicanan,
FILIPINAS na caporoan quita sunimubang,
talaga nin mahal na Dios, satuya caglalang.

Pero tadao quita ta nag oa i-inangotan?
Tadao quita ta nag co-con trahan?
Tadao ta quita man sana an na guiguinadanan?
Huli sa dai ta pag ca sinabotan.

Minsan cami maraot o samuyang tugang,
caangotan nindo samuya dai matimbagnan,
minsan cani isicual nindo, cami dai maguibo caiyan,
tugang mi cauno guirayay sagcod noarin pa man.

Ta masqui pa pomait an sarong tugang,
labihan pa an apdo nin capaitan,
huli sa pag ca angotan nin mag tugang,
capiritan sinda guiraray migca minootan,

Horophoropa tabi an bogtac ning iniho,
con tadao ta cami pina pa siring nindo-
na caming ini ipinapabacal nindo,
sa magna Japon, masaquit na tauo?

Tadao ta cami pina pa siring man nindo-
idoloc sa magna tatong iyan ibogtac sa castigo,
orog na sa maca gnoronirhat na trato-
mag salang bayonetahon, badilon o pogotan nin payo?

Camo mismo sacsi mi can magna nangyari na-
niribong FILIPINOS, an guinadan na ninda,
magna cababahean, cadaragahan hinalean honra,
magna aquing dai pang pacaaram guinaradan pa.

Guiromdoma asin midbira tabi tugang mi-
na an dugo nindo iyo man an dugo mi,
na con ma paniring lamang ogma ming dacula,
samuyang pig balsan saindo biyayang tao samuya.

Mahamis na totoo an pag ca buhay nin tauo,
caya iyo ini na daculang mauot mi saindo,
mauoton ta na masqui quita magadan, alagad an
sa Dios na talaga, dai sana sa tauong cabotan.

Alagad iyo na iyan tugang ming na monotan,
con camo sa Japon, c ami sa America man,
an hagad mi sana quita mag guinirondonman-
na quita mag tugang, an mahal na Dios satuya mag danay.

By Capt. P. N. Sanchez,
Aug. 28, 1943

by Pedro N. Sanchez
(Captain, Infantry AUSA)
(To the people – The Filipino People)

The morning sun is there brightly shining-
On the Bicolandia hills and mountains magnificently peeping,
Now and then the curling smoke of the volcano hueing,
While the grass on the verdant fields with the dews sparkling.

The flag with rising sun in treachery came,
To our dear, tranquil soil, our beloved land;
Land of Promise! that flag can’t make a name,
We are true to the promise, Oh dear motherland.

Loyal sons awake! Heed the call!
Your brothers tortured, in agony expiring,
The innocent ones martyred, it pains to recall,
Our Pearl of the Orient Seas, is dimming.

Awake! Awake! Loyal ones and faithful,
Courage! ye men to avenge for our lost freedom;
To arms! To arms! Redeem our lands-the beautiful;
Our Paradise, Eden of the East, now in martyrdom.

Awake! Loyal sons awake!
Help bear our colors from shore to shore;
Down that tyrant’s rising sun; submerge it in the deep,
Or bury it that it’1l rise no more.



Baao has a great number of traditions, customs, superstitions, beliefs and practices.

It is the custom and general practice of the Baawenos to kiss the hands of elders especially their parents, relatives near and far and other elder people and in return the elders give them the benediction.

Hand shaking is another custom and practice since the Spanish days up to the present time.

Courtship is a worldwide custom and practice. In Baao there are still a few families whose parents give their sons or daughters in marriage upon their wish and dictate. Sometimes the couple-to-be never have the chance to talk with each other until they are married. During the marriago ceremony some parents still coach her son or daughter to be the firstone to press the hand or to step on the shoes of the other in order to overpower the other during the entire married life. This is one of the beliefs handed down from generation to generation. During the bethrotal usually the parents of the girl ask dowry from the parents of the boy in the form of money, land property – coconut or rice land and sometimes stlll to build a house where the new couple will live or to repair the house of the parents of the girl where the party usually shall be held. Sometimes the marriage shall not be contracted until after one or two or even years. And during this gap, the young man shall be already doing any kind of job the father of the girl may have.

The people of Baao, like all other people of the neighboring towns have almost the same belief, myth, legends and superstitions. A person walking at night for a purpose of visiting a beautiful maiden to whom he pours his affection and nocturnal adoration, meeting a black cat on his way, postpones what he desires to do that moment for another day, for he believes that bad thing will happen in his life, either it be a failure in his mission or any other catastrophe that will bring him ill fate.

There is a fun of stories, natural and supernatural with which to show off and shine in the glory of a temporary luster of admiration, stories of giants, priests walking into the night,
pigs that are human beings, an enchanted white horse in the middle of a slde street in Santa Cruz, San Vicente, San Juan, ogre on the side street, weird fires that roll across a solitary street at night or hurl themeelves at each other on the bank of a brook, dead men who appear to their dazed relatives or ask a belated confession from a curate who has overindulged in all night session of entre-cuatro, and failed to attend his duties, hermits who at midnight knock at the convent door asking for an audience at the confessional, picturesque tales church and convent in which sextons and curates and women flash across the stage through the long flight of the years to the usual pattern of the love triangle, and other tales of the confessional which somehow filter through the privacy into the mouths of the town wags with which Baao bounds.

Baawenos love to call each other names and coin now words for an ever increasing vocabulary of mischief and burlesque and satire for which they have occasions during weddings, baptisms at the patio when they go out at the sermon time over the card mahjong table and, above all, during political meetings when speeches are barbed with libel and slander contempt for those on the other side of the political fence, a condition that is not mitigated by the circumstance that Baao  political life since American times have come practically from Baao’s grand patriarchal family of Imperial-Guevara-Barammeda, to whom the families of Barlin, Arroyo, Esplana, Bernas, Bolo, Bañaga, Britanico, Sanchez, Palencia, Fajardo, Soriano, Llorens, Estrada, Babilonia, Reis, Serrano, Cortez, Robosa, Barcelona, Benaria, Buena, Bustilla, Borja, Brigola, Brillante, Briones, Gumabao, Ballesteros, Botardo, Beldua, Bofe and others are related by consanguinity or affinity or both, descended from Lucas Imperial (Andeng Lucas, to our mother and maternal uncles) who loved to pass the middle slice of the mango in rotation from mouth to mouth among his numerous grandchildren, and whose relationship to Excelser Imperial, sire of Albay’s Imperials, though recognized, is not exactly ascertained as to degree and today is a fascinating mystery for their descendants and those curious about genealogies and pedigrees.


It is told by the old people of Baao that the town had been saved already from a number of calamities because of hermits living in the Poblacion and elsewhere. The story runs this way: A certain sexton during the Spanish time in the course of the mass happen to drop and broke a glass where the wine was placed. Just after the mass after keeping all things used during the mass because of great shame he went away without permission. He went to no place but within the vicinity of the church around. From that time and long after he was not seen nor known by any body even by his own people. In other words he became invisible. About fifteen or twenty years ago, one midnight a knock at the door awakened the priest asking the priest the for confession. The priest administered the confession and found out that he was a hermit. That he was the man who broke the glass where wine is placed for the mass. That his abode was or is just behind the church under the big mango tree. The said hermit must still be living in the same place up to now.

Anothor hermit who until at this time must still be in the place revealed also by the same priest for he administered also his confession in the same year, is living in “bukid-bukid” – a little hill which is, that little hill at the left side of the national highway going to Naga City after the Rail-Road Crossing, in the barrio of Santa Cruz.

These two hermits are the pillars of Baao, the priest said.


“Siewsiwan” (Mother hen and chicks). This a group of many small stars called chicks after two or three chicks which are following each other and which are all following a big star called the mother hen. These stars are visible when the night is clear about the zenith north. When this is seen denotes good time for planting vegetables and other plants.

“Nagnognoro-coscoson” (Like fish scales). This is a group or groups of wavy clouds or groups of small, rounded, disconnected clouds resembling fish scales and are exceptionally high up in the atmosphere. These clouds usually occur early in the morning or late in the afternoon and during clear nights. These denote good time for planting camote. Also a right, starry firmament denote the same.

“Bulalacao” (Shooting Stars). When a number of these are seen in a certain evening fortells the coming of sunny days.

“Sinacyan ni Noe ” (Milky Way). When this appears in its usual place denotes good time. Otherwise it will mean the coming of a storm or war.

Meeting clouds. Denotes the coming or approaching strong storm.

“Bitoon nin Mag Agom” (Couple’s Star). This is a big star very much like the Morning or Evening Stars. This star appears very seldom and very late at night, It is seen about midway between the horizon and the zenith south. Its occurrence denotes conception of many wives if not all, because of those who had one much beyond the limit of birth giving.

When moons are seen in the following positions:

means rainy days.
means sunny days.
Means animals and reptiles are very dangerous and are more fierce.
means danger to expectant mothers.


During baptism the men or women with the child in the church usually count the number of baby boys and girls. If the baby girls have more number than the baby boys the belief the extra baby girl or girls will remain to be an old maid.

If a twin baby is baptized, upon reaching the house, one baby will pass the front porch and the other baby the back porch. In so doing they believe, it will prevent sickness, accidents or even death of both at the same time.

After baptismal ceremonies there is usually a race of godparents in going out of the church because they believe that whichever is left inside when all the rest had gone out will die soon.


A newly-wed couple upon reaching the stairway of the house, receives shower of rice rains or money. They believe fortune will await the in the near future. A newlywed couple arriving the house, is not allowed to greet first a widow or a widower, because if ever they do, either of the two will die.

Other Beliefs. When a house lizard cries, a visitor is coming. When a duck flies, bad weather is approaching. Meeting a black cat is a bad omen.

A pregnant woman should avoid entering the cemetery. Otherwise, the baby will be born dead.


During inclement weather when lightning is flashing, mirrors are covered, windows and doors closed and bolos are thrushed throuth the bamboo walls. These are done to be safe from the lightning mishap.

During now year’s day if thunder occurs in the east and answered in the zenith, this denotes many soldiers will die in the fight. When thunder occurs in the east and answered in the west, denotes children and old people shall die. When the thunder is heared in the west only, denotes many old people shall die. If thunder is heard only in the east denotes many children shall die.

In building a house the stairs if there is no inconvenience should always be constructed facing the east and never the west, otherwise that house shall have so many deaths. In dropping each post at least, a centavo be dropped ahead of each post. This will mean doing away from want of money. In cleaning rattan should be done down stairs otherwise there will be plenty of centipedes in that house.

In sleeping, if possible the head should always be toward the east to evade from premature death and to live longer.

There should be no hammering or sawing at night time. It’s a bad omen. Death of any one in the house might soon follow.

During Sundays and holidays men and even women spend their time in cockfighting, a pastime or vice which started from the Spanish time. “Entre-cuatro” or playing cards another pastime or vice, which had its origin as the cockfighting. This is also indulged by men and women, rich or poor, with beating. But the worst thing with this is that even during regular days they still have to play, big drawback in the livelihood of the family. Another worst card game is the so called “Monte” done by men and women where little or big sums are bet and one gains or losses big sums at an instant.

Tuba drinking is rampant in the town especially in the places whore tuba is gathered. Even in wedding parties, baptismal parties and other parties, tuba is consumed in great quantities especially by men who usually retires flat on bad and vomiting. In betrothals, in cockfighting and in practically all amusements tuba is the public’s general quest.

Taking a bath on Tuesdays and Fridays and the first day of the month is avoided. Cutting nails, shaving and hair cutting are habits or practices which are not allowed by the old people.

During the holy week the people prepare everything like cutting firewood, pounding palay, catching fish, cutting trees, making bancas and the like which create noise, For during the week the people should keep silent as sign of reverence to Jesus Christ Who is in penitence and about to die on the crucifix especially during Good Friday.

Another belief is this, whoever can tie a knot even with a handkerchief, part of his or her clothes, a string or anything that he or she has upon seeing a shooting star until it disappears shall have good luck.

Other beliefs in don’ts. Avoid sweeping the floor at night time for the dust might fill up the eyes of those invisible beings around. Also when there is dead in the house, for if so somebody in the house may follow. The corpse when brought down the house, no part of which should ever touch the door otherwise others in the house may follow soon. As soon as the coffin is out, the windows are immediately closed by someone in the house, that nobody shall look out and water is splashed at the door or ashes is sprayed instead. All people who go down with the corpse or even one is never allowed to return not even to look back.

After the burial the immediate members of the family to go around the grave three times and after the third time they proceed home without turning or looking back. On the third night the spirit of the deceased shall return and visit the family.

Combing the hair at night by the children is a reason for their becoming an orphan.

Passing over a fishing rod shall lead to an unlucky venture of that fisherman.

On rice planting and harvest seasons. During rice planting which usually occur in the months of June to September, rice planters who are usually women chant their planting song starting with solos augmented by the others up to quintets all with shrill voices. After the day’s work the planters go home to the owner of the field where supper is served. Just before supper is served tuba first is served and followed by some dancing and singing of the planting song accompanied by one with a minute guitar called locally “cinco llagas”.

During harvest men, women and children go to the fields to harvest. After the day’s harvest at about eight o clock of the same night especially during moonlight nights, young men and young women shall gather in one of the lady’s houses with big harvest who offers a remote rural dancing way and eating party. The young men prepares the eat called locally “pilipig” – brittle-flatten-rice, by pounding the heated palay in a wooden mortar, the ends of which are placed on banana stalks thus producing a loud musical sound as the young men do the pounding. Usually four young men do the pounding each time. As this goes shouts of the young men once in a while are heard while the “cinco llagas” too plays. The “pilipig” is placed in a hot drink called locally “salabat” composed of water, ginger and sugar. Oh, what a merry group! This affair lasts up to midnight sometimes.

On popular songs, games, amusements, etc.

The most popular air and song Baao has is the “Kundiman”. Hereunder is Baao’s specimen of “Kundiman” in Bicol written by the late Evaristo Badiola:


Sa saimo sana.

A —– Aco mahale na saimo paaram,
paaram guinaha sacong namomotan,
an togon co sana dae ka malignao
na romdomon logod letrang capinonan.

C—— Cun banguing matagna, antes can tomorog,
simong himatea, an hoyop nin doros,
cun malipot baga an bilang hinagnos,
mag-laom ca caiyan aco nag-titios.

O —– O cun caya naman saimong tandaan
an reboc cun bangui, inuni nin gamgam,
cun an tignog ninda maca-puro-pugnao
mag laom ca cayan aco na agragnay.

M —   Magna igua haga nin olap an aldao
na garong mamundo cun sia sumubang,
mag-laom ca cayan luha nadalahay,
huling sa pag-bagnon icang narunduman.

A —-   An liwanag baga cun banguing bulanon
padaleng nawara sanglean nin diclom,
mag-laom ca cayan aco mamundoon
huling ica sana an sacuyang romdom.

H —-   Halimbawa baga mag coros Ilawod,
dagnan pa omoran saca pa omonos,
ma-laom ca cayan puso nalolonod,
sa tahao nin saquit sa tinios-tios.

A —– An mawot nin boot, simo pag tandaan
banaag nin aldao sa parteng subagnan
cun mabansay baga, cun satong pag-masdan,
ica an cabaing, banaag na iyan.

L —— Liwanag ni Febo cun odto an aldao,
macagnalasgnalas iyan camogtacan
harayo sa sato mainit an sirang
cabaing capadis rimpos so sa daghan.

E —–  Enot mong isipon cun ica mag-basa
horop-horopon mo an enot na letra,
pensara nin marhay cahologan nia,
na cun bicolon mo “ACO MAHALE NA”

N —– Nin huli ta ica an nani dahelan
na aco mag-tios magna casaquitan
an mawot co sana simong caheracan,
na romdomon logod ining pobreng buhay.

A —– Aco na paaram ADIOS! simo bantay
paaram ragna co, mutiang minamahal,
sa pag pagnadie mo aco man sambitan
na macatios logod labing capugnawan.



Iguang Duang buquid na nag aampagnan
sa Reinong floresta harayong banuaan-
duman tuminubo cahoy na nagca mootan
an saro Baliti an s aro Balinay-


Aram ta nang dati cahoy na Baliti
an saiyang gamot sa itaas hali
cun nacacasangpot sa cahoy nin calpi-
sagcod day magadan day nahahale,


Cahoy nin Baliti nag iisip sia
na gustong mamoot cahoy na casama
alagad an boot nag duduadua
huling sarong poon saro sanang sagna.


Day nacatios Baliti nag taram
na gnaya Balinay aldao maguin bulan
an pagca moot co sa haloy nang aldao,
an puso tang dua pag saroon na lameng.


Simbag nin balinay maano na sana
alagad Baliti pag oroporopa
huling sia poon aco sarong sagna
mag cucuyog simo daing duadua.


Ini na an poon pagca saro ninda
ano man guibohon puro ma oogma
cun iguang maricdag masqui dahon sana
tolos na agragnay tolos na agagha.


Aso aboton na paros na subasco-
dahon nin Balinay obos na tinalbo-
cun day pa sana Baliti caidto-
sagna nin Balinay obos na nalimpio.


Tatapuson co na sacong inagragnay-
alagad an ogna daing catapusan
cundi ano Ninay may oras man cayan
na madagnog mo co- macanta guiraray.

Si Nanay Si Tatay

Herac Man Saimo Tugang Co


(Furnished by Mrs. Petra B. Villamor )

Patorog hare pag halo,
Ta da uiton quitang culago,
Itogpa quita sa rao Totoy,
Sa cahoy na daing tauo.

Patorog hare pag puslao,
Ta daguiton quitang cuao,
Itogpa quita se danao Totoy,
Sa cahoy na haralangcao.


(Furnished by Mrs. Epifania A. Beldua & Mr. Simeon Banaria)

Ining pag canta mi bilang pag pa onra,
Qui Tiong Juan, arac sa botella,
Tara con dai na arac sa botella,
Paluasi cami cigarillong Hebra.
Tara con dai na cigarillong Hebra,
Paluasi cami mamon sa bandeja,
Taroc baya Tiong Juan, sa tahao nin rueda,
Nahiling mi sana an saimong figura.

(“Estribillo” dance follows—“Laraylaray-laylay”)

(At Noon Time)

Caso sarong odto horas nin pa cacan,
Na sa lamesa an gabos na pingan,
Sumacat an ina macuring cagotoman,
Pininto an mata dai binocsan.
Hunilig an ina na nag tatagnis,
An luha sa mata na pa mirisbiris,
Pag tongtong sa daga tumignag sa lagnit,
Maca tios logod sa labing saquit.
Haon ca aqui co na pinadadagnat co,
Sa aldao sa bangui icang saculo co,
Lilingya na sana sosong sisosoan mo,
Gatas na nag hale guican sa puso co.
Canogon pa lamang si capadagnatan,
Pag cuyogcuyog co simong cagustuhan,
Dai ca na turog con dai co cantahan,
Ay! ugay aqui co canogon pa lamang.
Con ica na guios aquing namomotan,
Daling quicolcol ta quinacantahan,
Pinag papasoso nag tataroctaroc man,
Con dai pa maragna tolos dinuduyan.
Ini an poon pag bolos nin luha,
Tumindog, tumucao, bumagnon, humigda,
Domoloc sa rias ne namimintana,
Haon ca aqui co sacuyang minumutya.

(At Parting )

Paaram, paaram cami madumana,
Sa samuyang harong cami mapuli na,
Cagayagayahan bayaan ta gnona,
An mondo lipugnao iyong ma remoda.

(“Estribillo” dance follows—“Laralaray-laylay”)


(Furnished by Mrs. Esperidiona B. Belmonte )

Con mag hahale ca na dai co cabotan,
Con bacong Miercoles, dai co totogotan,
Con magadan ica na dai sa poder co,
Minsay sarong saday, dai co magasto.

Con magadan ica digdi sa poder co,
Siriales na pirac, musica do viento,
An madapit simo tolong pading banal,
Sampolong cantores, cagduang sacristan.


Sarong bangui, sa higdaan
Naca dangog aco, huni nin sarong gangan
Sa luba co, catorogan
Baco cundi simong voces iyo palan.

Dagos aco bagnon si sacuyang mata binoclat,
Cad tong cadicloman aco ay nagnalagcalag,
Pagca hiling co pasiring sa itaas,
Simong lauog nahihiling maliwanag.


Can Lunes na pag ca aga,
Nag gayac acong manlaya,
Pocot, bawit sacong da.ra,
Ta maninirang talaga.

Pag abot mi sa baybayon,
Pocot sanong inilaylay,
Dagnan na an caribocan,
Can sirang cabalaquidan,

Kalasakas an tambolero,
Tabios man guitarrero,
Iyong principal na gayo,
An sirang tabagnogno.

An sira man na barira,
Iyong guinibong lavandera,
Ta sinda con nag cocola,
Lulutaban nin utaba.

An sira man na balaw,
Maraot an caugalean,
Ta sinda con pig cacacan,
Mauusap na garo sapal.

An calayo an Infierno,
An coron an Purgatorio,
An tulac iyo an Limbo,
An orig iyong portero.


Aco an gamgam na infeliz
na day na nao alupad
an puso may lugad
daing naheherac
inabot sa matagnang Bangui
sa diclom nin pag lupad
an camogtacan co macaherac-herac.

Sa hiniling hiling mo
puso co binihag
catagas nin puso co
cun day ca maherac
lugad na an puso co
sa macuring dosa
sa puso mo lamang
dihan aco mabubuhay.


Baao is not far behind in social circles wherein fatigue from the days’ labors are washed away and remedied, where elders are turned youngsters, where “Biasans” (married ones, widows and widowers) are switched to their teens, youngsters of course cannot be outdone or wouldn’t admit their defeat.

Some of these dances are natives, others were introduced from other regions of the Philippines, while others from foreign countries by the Spaniards. These are:

  1. Pentomima
  2. Bancero
  3. Incoy-incoy
  4. Regodon
  5. Vals
  6. Minnuette
  7. Mazurka
  8. Pantotoche,
  9. Polka

On Popular Games we have – for the boys and girls playing especially during moonlight nights; “Tuturobig!”,”Sinarangpuloan” and “Pakpakan”. For the boys, young men, and men playing in the day time especially during Sundays and holidays is the “Sipa”. But now-a-days this game is not very much attended to, not even at all.

The children have many games too. One of their games is “Puro-Parico”. A group of children from three to ten in number play this game. The leader opens his palm while the rest place one of the fingers of each player in the palm, the open palm of the leader. The leader says “Puro-Perico si la puerta perico”. At the last word the leader closes his palm. Whoever of the players whose finger is caught becomes the It, who closes his eyes with his hands and all the others run away to hide. At a certain signal the It goes to search for the hiding players. Whoever is found first becomes the succeeding It. The It continues seeking for the players until all of them are found.

Another kindergarten game is the “Ala-Viva” which ends in a tug-of-war game.

Another game is the “Saran” which is similar to “Sarampuloan”. This “Saran” is either played indoor or outdoor. Usually this is played indoor. The leader sits on the floor with his legs extended straight forward. All the others do the same with their feet meeting at the center. The leador counts – “saran, duacan, toluan, patan, bonglo, tibad, bayabad, tigpis, cuyapis, put, ” meaning “one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten”, respactively. At the word “put” the leg of the child gotting the word “put” is withdrawn, and so on until two legs only remain. With two legs only remaining, the leader changes the counting. He says “baca, canoning, sitago, sipirong”. The child receiving the word “sipirong” becomos the It, who closes his eyes until all the others have hidden. The procedure goes on Just like the “Puro-Pirico” ” etc. This game is either played in the day or at night.

Another game is the “Bentot”. This a very laughable game. It goes this way. The leader holds & coconut mid-rib which one end is bent to form like the letter “L”. He holds it between his two palms with the bar up. All players sit in a circle including himself, the leader. The leader turns the mid-rib back and forth saying “Bentot na bentot con si isay nag otot mag tuga tagnaning di maboctot”, meaning, whoever threw foul air must say so in order that he or she shall not be crooked. At the word “maboctot” the leader stops turning the mid-rib. Whoever is painted by the bar is said to be the child who have thrown foul air. Great laughter and clapping of hands by the players ensue. The player pointed out is punished by either singing a song, by dancing any kind, kissing hands, to cry or to do some mimetics or any laughable doing which the other players may think of. The game continues until the children get tired with this kind. The punished child may be made to declaim or to recite tula.


  1. Oyan ne maraot canimo di mo pag guibouon sa iba.
  2. Oyan na da loog parating na tunog.
  3. Dawa ma olog bastang ma tunog.
  4. Cun sudya na oyan na osad a tauo di na tinototood minsan mig ono pa.
  5. Oyan na para taban nag lalaom na oyan na iba parejo coyan na sa caniyang camutagnan.
  6. Oyan na tauong bognog sa hulit baga apdo kapait an hulit.
  7. Con sain hale duman puli.
  8. Con buhay an inutang, buhay an ibabayad man.
  9. Cumaon di cumaon sagayin ton.
  10. An tauong mapapalangcao, mapapababa. An mapacumbaba, mapapalangcao.
  11. An tapayas di mamumugnang bayawas.
  12. Nababayad ana lobot cana ragom, ana sa patoc diri.


  1. Dara co, dara aco…….banca
  2. Camp ana ni culacog taon-taon sanang tinutugtog….. matraca
  3. Paggalin siton ta acoy si ton………… toro.
  4. Su nacagraan binuway, au nagraan binitay…….na bulang na lalong.
  5. Manoc co sa bobon, nagcacantang Kerie-eleison……. tupang.
  6. Capotol na owoy nacalibot sa baloy…….. sulo
  7. Sugcod ni Capitan di mo ma captan………alas
  8. Bato caloblob, bato man sinuclob……gnipon
  9. Pag nagtataroc na lilislis an saya…… telong
  10. Su gurang nag ooba, su iguin nag tatapis…… kawayan
  11. Giapon suntocan di nag aabotan……..nag lalagadi
  12. Icog amid nacadabloy sa bukid….. raran
  13. Baloy ni Santa Ana libot espada……. piña
  14. Baloy ni San Gabriel libot badil…… tapayas
  15. Nagniguin si Birhen, na hulog su lampin….. pusong batag
  16. Manoc co sa Manila, naca abot sining panuca….. ragom
  17. Capoti ading icog co ta lomolodop aco…… tabo
  18. Tolong mag gnognowod malang boboot…… sigagnon
  19. Manoc co sa cali, asag na mag agui…….banca
  20. Manoc co sa oma, nagsosoon baga….. roariew
  21. Minsan ca nag oomari, apita gnona acong lacadi….. toytoy
  22. Dawon sili-sili, manangatos labi………lokoy
  23. So naodaan namuya, so nacacoco na sugtan……. otot
  24. Nacatatacot aco sa osad, sa der awa diri……. toytoy



Baao, though a small town and less progressive when it comes to financial status and other resources derived direct from her rich soil, yet as to intellect and other abilities, she is not very much behind if not in level with her sisters, neighboring towns. The following enumeration as those on eduation can justify the doubting mind:

  1. Benedicto Beltran- Roman Catholic Teacher, the first teacher of Mons. Jorge Barlin, the first Bicol Bishop. Beltran was at the same time a violinist.
  2. Teodocio Wenceslao – Vernacular poet, writer and comedian
  3. Juan Botardo – Vernacular poet and writer.
  4. Julian H. Barrameda – Historian and Politician.
  5. Tomas Guevara – Historian.
  6. Evaristo Badiola – Educator, singer and vernacular poet.
  7. Luis G. Dato – Poet, orator, educator and writer.
  8. Leonardo Beltran – (Vosotros) Vernacular poet and Philosopher
  9. Floreneio Baesa – (Quincio) Philosopher.
  10. Leocadio Barrameda – (Cadio) Philosopher
  11. Dionisio Bigay — (Pulutan) Philosopher
  12. Jorge Barlin – Musician and composer
  13. Jorge Bolo – Violinist & orchestra master
  14. Juan B. Badiola – Pianist
  15. Juan de los R. Badlola – Vernacular song-hit composer
  16. Eduardo de los R. Badiola – Pianist and accordionist
  17. Francisco Buena – Cornetist and Composer
  18. Marcial Briones – Cornetist and Composer
  19. Indalicio Baliwag – Flutist & Master of Students on Music
  20. Carlos Britanico – Choir Master and Orchestra Master
  21. Rosendo Orcini – Bicol Poet and Minstral
  22. Perpetua Sinfuego – (lady) Minstrel
  23. Eusebio Dato -Minstrel
  24. Estanislao Ramos – (Cuting) Minstrel
  25. Juan Palencia – (Bito) Minstrel
  26. Pedro Esplana – Comedian
  27. Heracleo Boaquinia – Comedian
  28. Pedro Panambo – Comedian
  29. Cristino Fajardo – Comedian (deceased)
  30. Claro Bulalacao – Comedian (killed by the Japanese)


As somewhere quoted, Baao though a small town, yet she is not far behind along the different activities in life. Baawenos is a pious and religious group of people. This is shown by these devout personages of Christ, and because of their love and zeal to serve God, and to always think of Him, garbed themselves with the black and white robes:

  1. Rev. Fr. Francisco Resureecion Cortez
  2. Rev. Fr.  Teodocio de la Pacion Humillano – wrote Santos Ejercicios and responsible for the construction of the church of Castilla, Sorsogon.
  3. Rev. Fr. Ramon Santiago Bigay
  4. Rev. Fr. Mariano Resurocoion Beltran
  5. Rev. Fr.  Pio Imperial I
  6. Msgr. Jorge Barlin
  7. Rev. Fr. Pio Imperial 2
  8. Rev. Fr. Marcelo Badiola
  9. Rev. Fr. Telesforo Reis
  10. Rev. Fr.  Carlos Badiola
  11. Rev. Fr.  Canuto Acantalicio
  12. Rev. Fr.  Lazaro Borela
  13. Rev. Fr. Angelmo Borela
  14. Rev. Fr. Ramon Gumabao
  15. Rev. Fr. Demetrio Guevara
  16. Rev. Fr.  Nicolas Guevara
  17. Rev. Fr. Catalino Badong
  18. Rev. Fr. Felix Bancaso
  19. Rev. Fr.  Teofilo Bisuña
  20. Rev. Fr. Nicolas Bernas
  21. Rev. Fr. Francisco Doroin
  22. Rev. Fr. Manuel del Rosario
  23. Rev. Fr. Rafeel Imperial


Baao women too do not just let things go by without some of them participating. Of the women who entirely placed themselves in the walls of seclusion and dedicate to the đaily prayers are :

  1. Sor Cristina de la Exaltacion (Manuela Barlin)
  2. Sor Maria Milaros (Anita Britanico)
  3. Sor Salome de la Immaculada (Lourdes Reis)
  4. Sor Irene Orquieta (Order of Harmenas da la Caridad)


When it comes to the individual rights Baao has now six of her sons whom she can delegate the delicate job of justice by interpreting the law properly, honestly and with equality without any speck of partiality. They are:

  1. Attorney Arcadio Bolo
  2. Attorney Jose Barrameda
  3. Attorney  Jack Arroyo
  4. Attorney Paulo Briones
  5. Attorney Enrique Bancaso
  6. Attorney  Antonio Bisenio


Of the men who pledged themselves to dedicate in the salvetion of the flesh through medical seience, we have:

  1. Dr. Jose Bernas
  2. Dr. Devid Sarrano
  3. Dr.  Vicente Ramirez
  4. Dr.  Dominador Barreta (killed by the Japanese soldiers.)

Two years more these number of doctors shall be increased, as there are those in tho universities at present.


  1. Phar. Jose Serrano
  2. Phar. Augusto Barrameda

Baao, land of the fairest maidens in Camarines Sir, and land of the first Bicol Bishop, Mons. Jorge Barlin, is still the nativity of men of poetic mind in Camarines Sur. Ex-mayor Luis G. Dato and Juan Botardo, former Vice President of the town, and another of the Datos, Attorney Rodolfo G. Dato, are among the noted and so far, known writers of the town. Distinguished in their own line and respective capacity as writers, Luis G. Dato, is a writer and poet. At present he is the Associate Editor of the Bicol Examiner and Guest Editor of the Manila Weekly paper, the Star Reporter, aside from being the writer of many poems that stir the imagination of the readers, he had already published quite a number of his books, and for sure many Bicolanos besides non-Bicolanos have a copy of Dato’s My Book of Verses in their private libraries.

Juan Botardo, is a notable composer and vernacular poet. Paphlets of stories in poetries, on religious poetries, politics, etc. may still be found in some lonely private libraries of the town.

Attorney and writer Rodolfo Dato, is an authority on history and government, being a member of the Philippine Historical Society and the proof-reader of a few of the books of Zaide on government. To mention one of the works of Attorney Dato, “The Drafting of the Philippine Constitution” of which he showed his writing intellect, gained the respect of many Filipino readers.


Baao again has men and women whom she can deligate matters which pertain to broken linbs, aching veins and muscles, diseases, sickness, reproductions, etc. Here are some of them:

  1. Serapio Barrameda – broken limbs, aching veins & muscles,
  2. Mercelo Barcelona – sickness and anitos,
  3. Puya – (chino) diseases,
  4. Gregorio Bañaga – diseases,
  5. Marciana Dato (Mrs. Revilla) Mid-wifery,
  6. Ines Brusas (Mrs. Robosa) Mid-wifery,
  7. Apolonia Maglapid (Mrs. Bernas) Mid-wifery,
  8. Benita Babilonia (Mrs. Badiola) Mid-wifery,
  9. Geronima Baal (Imang) Mid-wifery,
  10. Elena Barrameda (Mrs. Palencia) Mid-wifery,
  11. Venancio Botor – Mid-wifery,
  12. Trinidad  Sanchez (Mrs. Sanchez) Diseases.


In the salvation of men from an unscheduled death, that is from snake bites, the following men have done a great lot:

  1. Benito Bernas (Iguin) from the barrio of S. Vicente
  2. Mateo Cadag (Antik) from the barrio of S. Vicente
  3. Juan Lumporo, from the barrio of San Isidro


The young generațion and even some of the old people do not believe on supernatural powers (Anting) which really they have not seen. But eye-witnesses have proven these including some anitos to be true. The following men have shown their prowess:

  1. Bernardo Barrameda (Bandoy) could stop moving vehicles even at a distance. A story to this effect runs this way. One time when practically all cars were proceeding to Naga because it was Ntra. Sra. de Peñafrancia time, he was decided to go to Naga in order to make his homage to the Holy Virgen. So by the road he tried to stop a car then another and another but all cars were practically filled to the capacity on reaching him. So the cars just turned deaf ears to him, Old Bandoy hated by such attitude of the cars which almost all A.L.A.T.C.O. cars used his supernatural power and the first arriving car stopped followed by all cars following it. The engines of the cars kept functioning to the wish of the chauffers for speed or velocity but of no avail. It was said to be a long procession of cars already of different kinds and makes. After quite a time of stoppage one of the cars got a bettar thought, let old Bandoy ride though it was filled up to the brim thus all cars were liberated from the spell of entanglement, and proceeded all at speed like an army sport cars.
  2. Epifanio Boaquinia (strong man). This man could lift four sacks of rice in one time, one sack he places on his head, one sack under his right arm, one sack under his left arm and the fourth sack held by his strong jaws — bitten.
    Another proof of his ability and strength was, he was an ax wilder. A good sized tree for lumber in the forest after being selected by him, he would commence felling it early in the morning alone. Late in the afternoon the felled tree is a ready made lumber ready for hauling. But Baao strong man, the Kwasind of Baao was short-lived. He died at his early age of thirties.


Baao places her name too in the field of sports. Some of her men and women who brought her victory and honor are still living in their matured years. They are:

  1. Juan Fajardo – pre-war champion pitcher in inter-scholastics games. He is at present a soldier in the Philippine Army.
  2. Pedro Imperial – pre-war champlon in Ping-Pong.
  3. Mrs. Buena (former Miss Estefania Barbaera – one time famed Indoor Baseball Pitcher.
  4. Mrs. Quinones (formor Miss Bartolomea Bisenio) – made a name for Baao in Camarines Norte, in Indoor Baseball.


Cholera swept and killed a great number of citizens in the years 1758, 1882, and 1886.

Small pox stayed with the people during the years 1900 and 1901.


The towns was visited by big floods during the years 1786 and in 1929 during the monthsof September to October. The water even entered the church up to the barrio Sta. Cruz. The people went places by boats and even going to church. The people suffered a great lot from these inundations.


Unforgettable typhoons passed the town and were recorded:

  • Typhoon “OGUIS” occurred October 24, 1915
  • Typhoon “JEAN” occurred December 24, 1947
  • Typhoon “TRIX” occurred October 22 and 23, 1952.

The three typhoons enumearated above beside others of lesser strength have caused the town to suffer for months and years.


The undersigned, chairman of the group of research and compilation for the Poblacion of Baao or the town proper, believe that, this edition the first of its kind, is not as complete yet as it should be of the unrecorded annals of the past for the same time given them which so leads to its being destitute of the necessary illustrations which in one way or another shall live in vividness of the part treated upon.

And because of the past and wide growing generation and which will lead to hundreds and thousands of activities in the pursuit of a more complate livelihood and of their desire to acquire education to forestall the correct philosophy which list behind every projoct contemplated upon, materials after materials shall file one over the other unceasingly and rushingly and editions after editions shall follow to form historical volumes of this particular and beautiful spot of this province, of this country and of the world.

May the hunble intention of this edition serve those who are in need.

Pedro N. Sanchez



  • 1656 – The beginning of the conversion of this town to Chanistianity and the traditional founding of the town located in Binabaloy or Binanuaahan.
  • 1704 – The establishnent of the town of Baao and whose political affairs were first separated from those of Bula. The first Capitan of the town inaugurated and took office.
  • 1731 – The town proper vas moved to its present site from Binanuaanan and the now church of stone was erected.
  • 1758 – There was cholera epidemic.
  • 1793 – The first perish priest was appointed in the name of Father Domingo Palencia.
  • 1800 – Beao’s ecclesiastical affairs separated from those of Bula.
  • 1808 – Boundary conflict with Nabua.
  • 1814 – Earthquake destroyed the church.
  • 1882 – The first Alcalde assumed office.
  • 1848 – Rebullding of the parochial convent.
  • 1850 – Repair of the church and peinted.
  • 1876 – Great inundation.
  • I882 – Another cholera epidemic.
  • 1888 – Another cholera epidemic.
  • 1900 – Smallpox epidemic oocured.
  • 1901 – Smallpox epidemic oocured. The first municipal President assumed office.
  • 1902 – A great fire razed the main buildings of the Poblacion.
  • 1915 – Occured the Typhoon “ouis”
  • 1919 – Another great fire caused by the sperk of one of the locomotives of the train.
  • 1929 – Another great inundation.
  • 1936 – The first Alcalde assumed office.
  • 1939 – A private perochial school was founded.
  • 1940 – May 4 – The S.M.A. was founded.
  • 1941 – Apr. 10 – Poblacion raided by Guerilla forces. Nov. 30 – ohief of Police Eusebio Dato executed by the Japanese soldiers in Naga suspension bridge.
  • 1944 – Japanese atrocities in Agdagnan.
  • 1946 – Jepanese atrocities in the Poblacion.
  • 1947 – May – The barrio of Ntra. Sra. de Antipolo was founded. Its first mass was 0ct. 17, 1947. Dec. 25 – occured the typhoon “Jean”.
  • 1952 – Oct. 22-23, occured typhoon “Trix”.
  • 1953 – March 11, The first organized history of the Poblacion of Baao was written.

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