by Luis G. Dato

My fair princess, upon your brow
Tonight a radiant crown we place
Of brightest gems, our love to show,
And of your beauty sing our praise;

Would that gene were brighter still,
And the lyre lighter in our and,
With eulogy your ear to fill;
O Alice, fairest of this land!

For, dear princess, to us you are
What is the world can never dies:
The tremulous radiance of a star
From soon forgotten, distant sky.

You bring the tender whispers sweet
Of limpid rivers harmonies replete
Of zephyrs softly murmuring near.

In you immortal beauty lies
On beds of everlasting rose,
We see a heaven in your eyes
A heart’s delight, the soul’s repose.

The beautiful you are, or seem,
Of sight and sound, of shade and light,
A lovely dream within a dream
The soul’s repose, a heart’s delight.

Our times are dark, there is a dearth
Where bounty in old times we saw;
And over all the sorry earth
Greed has become the supreme law.

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