MY BLUE BOOK Origins of San Vicente, Baao, Camarines Sur

The article is courtesy of the archives of the National Library of the Philippines.

by Francisco C. Fajardo (1953)


To the people of San Vicente and to my relatives of the locality who may find interest in reading this short and simple stories of the place, this book is humbly and lovingly dedicated.

Francisco C. Fajardo


This book is a brief account of the important events in the history of SAN VICENTE or BURI together with the view of making as a basis for further growth and improvement. It in further hoped that inspiration and pleasure will be drawn for the better achievement in the nearest future.

This article cannot be very long due to the fact that the barrio is a young one.
The author had gathered sources from the oldest living man, Mr. Mateo Cadag and Paula Barlintangco and others who also pointed out important information.

Acknowledgements are hereby given to the members of the P. T. A., pupils and to my co-teachers MISS REMEDIOS B. BIGAY, MRS. PAULINA RELATIVO and MISS REMEDIOS G. IMPERIAL of San Vicente Elementary School for the School Year 1952-53.

Francisco C. Fajardo (sgd.)



The Barrio of San Vicente, which is the home of the most peaceful people of the municipality of Baao, was formerly a part only of San Juan one of the oldest barrios of Baao. The entire barrio of San Vicente was formerly called BURI, a name derived from the name of a plant which is good for making mats, baskets, etc. and which picture can be seen above. Now BURI is the name given to a certain place on the northernmost part of the barrio wherein until now buri could be found.

During the Spanish Government when only the two opposite ends (Northern end and Southern end), of San Vicente or Buri were populated, this barrio was a part of San Juan proper. They contributed to the father barrio both in Civic and Religious activities. But when the population increased, that they will be able to support the necessities of an independent barrio, they tried to petition, or organize and establish their own barrio and patron. It was in the year NINETEEN HUNDRED AND NINE (1909) when the first chapel and and the first mass was celebrated.

The 1ot where the chapel was built was donated by the late ALFONS0 BAÑARIA the father the late SIMEON BAÑARIA, the first councilor from the barrio of San Vicente.

San Vicente map
Map of San Vicente

San Vicente lies on the northeastern part of Baao. The present territories consist of BUSAKAN, BURI , QUI OPOS, TIGBI MANROGNOU and others which, are not very common and popular. The territorial boundaries are North: Pugay, South: The National Road to Iriga and the Manila Railroad, East: San Juan by a trail Qui Opos, and West: Salvacion by a Creek.

While it is true that San Vicente is a younger barrio than San Juan, yet it exceeded that latter in the number of voters and in school population.


The pioneer families that mingled with the Aetas or Negritos, who were the first occupants of the place were: Jose Doroin, Miguel Barlintangco, Joaquin Cadag, Francisco Robosa, Alfonso Bañaria, Vicente Buena, Gregorio Badong, Juan Bisuña, Lazaro Dato, Antonio Ilumina, Gregorio Robosa, Gabriel Buyet, Acantalicio Infeliz, Policarpo Bueta,
Agustin Buena and the oldest china man in Baao, called Chino Juan Suya. Within there families they intermarry though they are second degree in relationship for the purpose only of increasing the population.


The early industries of the people of San Vicente, were farming, weaving, lumbering, making of copra and striping of abaca fiber. Chino Juan Suya the only foreigner of the place acquired plenty of property thru the business as an abaca dealer. He was the closest friend of the Negritos who were the first occupants of Buri and the first abaca planter of the place. Most men of the barrio devoted themselves in farming that the hills on the northern part of San Vicente were covered with crops. Weaving of abaca fibers and piña were the common industries of the women who were left at home. By so doing the women could clothed all the members of the family.

The people constructed their houses of wood from the first to the second class kind of lumber without buying any of them from many sawmi1ls or lumber yard. They produce their own lumber and boards. The place being a coconut boom, the making of copra is one of the most popular industries.


Among the famous or known personalities of the barrio were: Misters: Joaquin Cadag, Querico Barcenas, Eutequi Bufete, Teodoro ________, Juan Bustamante, (because of his wife Quinday ), Chino Juan Suya, Simeon Banaria, etc.

From the time the barrio was established the following were the Tenientes del Barrio who rendered their services indifinitely. MISTERS: Gasiano Enrique, Maximo Badilla, Joaquin Cadag, Sixto Banaria, Pedro Atian, Eutequi Robosa, Esteban Aurellano, Simeon Banaria, Pablo Belmonte, Hilario Bisenio, Pedro Bueta, Cornelio Palencia, Enrique Banaria, Francisco Banaria, Narciso Fajardo, Mariano Imperial (an ex councilor), Roman Barlintangco and Albino Robosa.


A temporary niche or chapel for the patron Saint San Vicente, was built in 1909. Year after year it was improved until it was made into a semi-permanent building. But last October 21, 1952, the typhoon TRIX totally destroyed it. A yearly fiesta was always celebrated and that most of their visitors are their former barrio-mates the San Juan people.

Two years after the establishment of the barrio, the people began to think for the education of their loved ones. In the year 1911 they opened the first public school in San Vicente. Mr. Cirilo Egplana and Miss Braulia Botardo were the first teachers. As years go on the
following were also assigned in the place: Mr. Pedro Sanchez, Mr. Rosendo Benosa, Mr. Rustico Badilla, Miss Rosario Ortega, Mr. Margarito Bernales, Mrs. Felisa Q. Badong, Mrs. Amparo I. Barcelona, Mrs. Beatriz Nacario, Mr. Andres Bancaso, Mr. Isidro Barcenas, Mr. Teofilo Britanico, Mrs. Francisca R. Britanico, Mrs. Angela Bofe, Mr. Juan Quinones, Mr. Jose Fajardo, Mr. Paulina Relutivo, Mrs. Poblea Relativo, Mrs Aurora Badiola, Miss Remedios Bigay, Miss Remedios Imperial and Mr. Francisco Fajardo.

The author of the book cannot go further for more events, for in spite that the barrio is a young one, no written records of the barrio can be found in his research.


During the Spanish administration and when San Vicento was still a part of San Juan, BUSAKAN was named before “COMMON”. This place was named such because it was not owned by any private owner. This place wan temporarily occupied by anyone who cares to plant on it. The time came that the government called for the assessment of all property, and that the last one occupying was so lucky that he became the proper owner of the place for it wan assessed in his name.

The extreme north of the Barrio, which is now called Buri, was before thickly inhabited by the Negritos. Chino Suya after finding that the the Negritos were the only abaca strippers before, stayed in the place and deal with them. He was the first abaca dealer and so rised up so quickly that be became one of the most popular businessman of the place. As San Vicente increases its brown population the black ones began to climb the mountain northwestern ward until they reach the place now called Caranday. Few years before the WORLD WAR II the Provincial Road from the National Highway to Buri was constructed.

When the Japanese soldiers came or during the World War II, San Vicente became the place of refuge by the people. Most of the town people evacuated to the place for they know that Buri people are so peaceful. During the Japanese Administration the following were the victim of San Vicente: Claro Bulalacao (was shot in Buri when he was in the action of running away), Genovevo Barrameda, Feliciano Robosa, and Francisco Baracena were taken to Pili Garrison where they had been beheaded.


The people of the barrio is just like the people of the other barrio in several ways:

  1. They love to call each other names. (Bansagan) The group becomes lively when one begins it in form of stories. Sometimes in several occasions calling names becomes a way of greeting. The meaning of each name is sometimes so queer that it is hard to understand. Among the names in the barrio are: Kadikit, Vaca, Partera, Kalukag, Kuting, Talagin, Profeta, Bola, Apro, Bowler, Dukalang, Rosros, Pantat, Kawit, Gasi, and Layas, etc. Layas means a very wild chicken. People from other place can easily find any one provided he knew the bansag.
  2. The Rabus spirit in this barrio is not new. Rabus had long been practice in the following incidents: In Wedding, Baptismal, deaths, constructing and repairing houses. In these occasions not only relatives but neighbors come to help in any manner their needy friends, neighbors or relatives.
  3. In those days vlien peopla are not so civilized as it is now, no young men of another barrio can come to the other barrio especially at night. That was one of the reasons before that one in Buluang cannot marry lady of San Juan.


Just like the other Philippine Communities, San Vicente has plenty of superstitious beliefs. Many people of lower education both in Civic and in Moral life took these into their hearts and believed in it religiously. The following superstitions are hereby considered;

  1. Put no money (coin or paper bills) on the dining table while food in served.
  2. Don’t comb your hair at night especially after meal.
  3. Doing any carpentry work at night is not good.
  4. Begin any work especially constructing houses on Wednesday and Saturdays.
  5. It is forbidden to lend mat at night especially when one in the house is asleep. If you do, the mat must pass or given thru the window with the first fold open.
  6. Do not spend any cent an January 1st.
  7. Carefulness must be taken when carrying the coffin because if it ever touches any part in the house while the dead is in it the sooner future someone will follow.
  8. Showering rice over a newly wedded couple was once practiced in the locality. The belief is that the couple will live abundantly.
  9. In a wedding party no widow or widower is allowed to sit on the first table of any meal. Either one might imitate the violator.
  10. If a cock crows at night on the time which is not suppose for the time telling and answered by a “cut-cu-tat” by a hen, very soon a lady and a gentleman will elope.


The early resident of the barrio have their own way of recreating themselves. The common games played by the people both at night and day time is “SIPA” played by unlimited number of players. They used the rattan ball called sipa. They formed a circle and hit the ball with either hand of feet, returning it to the opposite player. “Tuturubig” is another game played by two teams with equal number of players. “Ralaban” is a kind of game taken only by pairs. A pair will have their stick and “calasag” and whip his opponent while the guitar is played in a tune suited to the occasion.

The Spaniards left to our people amusements which are quite expensive and a detrimental to our physical and emotional situation. They left to us, Cockfighting, entre-cuatro, monte, borro, escrima etc. Just after the Spaniards came the Americans who introduced to us the outdoor games which help us to be wore physically built up. Some of the games introduced to us by the Americans are: Baseball, softball, Volleyball, football, tennis and many other more events. Boxing had been also introduced wherein some Filipinos have been national and world champions.

There in kind of one amusement which San Vicente has and I believe the whole world is also enjoying. It is DANCING. Dancing is practically revised every year in all parts of the world. Among the dances that is never revised are the “RIGIDON”, “LANUERO”, and “PANTOMINA”. Other dances especially by youth are usually change or revised from time to time.


In the remotest barrios as well as in the poblacion songs are very common. There are songs which melodies are suited to rock a baby to sleep; also to lighten burden of work and there are also songs which are suited only in proper places like the churches and proper occasions. These songs must be the Religious Songs.

Songs that are to be found here are songs commonly sang by the folks in the locality.


(An Orphan Song)
An Ilong siring sasaco
Dai nangad nin caogmahan
Sissay pa dao aapdon co
Ta dai na si Nanay.

Ta siya ay gadan na
Sa lulubgnan idtoon na
Sagcod lamang romdom co siya
Sagcod na binubuhay pa.

Oh, Nanay kong mahal
Haen ca na ngonian
Acong winalat mo digdi sa quinaban
Hari man lignawi
Romdoma guiraray
Sa pagdangat mong
Dai simo nalilingao.


Nagrdudusa an puso ko
Lilingya man kan herak mo
Daing iba ika sana
An ranga can puso cong nag dudusa.

Ay, ay, ay, ay, pobreng buhay
Haen ka na mahal
Na sakong kadamaydamay
Daing iba ika sana
An ma ranga kan puso kong nagdudusa.


Masakit man palan na pagpopokawon
an torog na mata haloy na mag bangon
Dangog na sa langit an sacuyang cancion
Dai pa guiraray si Neneng nag bangon.

Mata ka na gayod bangon luhayluhay
Buksi an pintu mo butaki nin ilao
Paca pag bugtac mo dangan na domongao
Nganing mamidbid mo con baga siisay.

Riddles in Bicol

Baloy ni Santa Ana 1ibot nin espada — Piña
Darwa co tombani osad co cubaywi — Sarwal
Baloy ni Colacog taon taon nag totonog — Campana
Con binobuca baga nigo, con guinogocop baga alo – Payong
Nag baloy si Alitoctoc, oda sondang oda patoc. — Lawa
Nagnigin si Virgen, nagolog olog so 1ampin. — Pusong Batag
Tolong mag ngod, puro lang iisog. — Sigagnon
Ta ito na, taadto pa — Mata
Coron ni Tong Doro, punong puno nin bato. — Guavas
Bugna na, ay may bugna pa — Casoy
Manok co sa Manila, naca abot sini panuca — Ragom
Pigdadara co, pig dadara mo — Sapatos
Tig oranan tig alowan firming puto an sarwal — Manok
Con nagoola alangcao, Con nag titindog ababa. — Ayam
So naodaan namuay, so naca codo na oodit. — Otot
Manok co sa bobon nagcacantang kyrieleyson — Palaca
Mag inang baca, nagnigin tig osad. pira – Tolo
Tres butones cuatro ohales — Santo Cristo
Nag aagi ca, pig sosonod ca — Anino
Pingan cong ringo ringo, pingan nin gabos na tao — Bebenditahan
Na olog so bagtingan, pig ca riribocan — Odo
Capotol na owoy nacalilibot baloy — Soolo
Capota ading icog co ta lomolodop aco — Tabo
Pacpac silisili manangatos labi — Locoy
Icog nin anid nacasabloy sa bukid — Raran
Ari tubig sa ducol diri nagkikilokigo – Tubo

The cover page of the “MY BLUE BOOK” by Francisco C. Fajardo
San Vicente Elementary School, March 10, 1953

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