Category SONNET

“Poetry lives on love, and love is nothing but the worship of woman.”

Luis G. Dato, Philippines Herald Mid-week Magazine, April 6, 1932


by Luis G. Dato Your windows closed and silent say you sleep, Your pillows warm with kisses that to have Were sheerest Heaven to your hapless slave, A harvest with all ecstasy to reap. Or treasure in remembrance e’er to…


by Luis G. Dato Come, dear, the bells have rung for early mass, And now awake, for you’ll perhaps be late, Too long a time to dress I cannot wait, The altar’s lighted, golden minutes pass. The old and young,…


by Luis G. Dato Your windows closed and silent say you sleep, Your pillows warm with kisses that to have Were sheerest Heaven to your hapless slave, A harvest with all ecstasy to reap. Or treasure in remembrance e’er to…


by Luis G. Dato Awake, my sweet, the silver moonlight laves Your window shut, like you, in placid dreams, Through clouds of gray the new moon’s radiant beams Shed eerie light on church, rice fields and graves, And houses all,…


by Luis G. Dato And now your windows close, ‘tis time to sleep. Upon your pillow now to lay your head, Perhaps some prayer ere you go to bed, And then to dreams and slumber sound and deep. But with…


by Luis G. Dato If only when your lights go out, I were With you a moment ‘neath one roof, dear one, With you so near to hold my very own, Our breast to God of all pretenses bare! Then…


by Luis G. Dato Again the light a second time appears, Then me you have remembered after all, And that between no darkness forms a wall To cause a quiet fall of bitter tears! O let this candle be through…


by Luis G. Dato A candle by your table, and your face Intent upon some work I but surmise — A lesson plan, a letter, some devise On which tomorrow’s teaching you will base For tender minds, the fair hope…


by Luis G. Dato All this, the story of my love for you Will seem as tedious as a twice-told tale, Perhaps a smile to earn, it will not fail From those who see this subject in poor view, And…


by Luis G. Dato Now hurriedly I must leave you today To take post-graduate at the UNC, How great a sacrifice it is to me, The pain how deep to wrench myself away From your dear side whom I have…


by Luis G. Dato My dear, my dear, this time you’re dressed in blue! And not as in weeks past in angry red, Is it that now your wrath at me is dead, Or to indifference you bid adieu? Is…


by Luis G. Dato Ailing and feverish, I’ve come to you, Deeming that if my fate it be to die, All ministered by folk that we both knew. Did I perhaps come here to bid And send to you my…

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