Category SONNET

“Poetry lives on love, and love is nothing but the worship of woman.”

Luis G. Dato, Philippines Herald Mid-week Magazine, April 6, 1932


by Luis G. Dato This early mass we shall be married, dear, I kneel for the offertory, I will for you as you kneel down with me, Our love to God’s bright altar bring so near. And God our sacred…


by Luis G. Dato Ah, leave your bed warmed by your maiden dreams, All night the crickets have with hisses filled The sleeping meadows, each damp, swampy field, The dead of night with dusk and fragrance teems. The world is…


by Luis G. Dato O be to me my temple of desire In which each day I’ll lay white jazmine roses, My shrine of leaves whose warmth your form encloses, To which to you my thoughts in prayer aspire. O…


by Luis G. Dato Ah, make more bearable my hapless plight, Give me one smile, of love one furtive glance, And in jam sessions just one transient dance To make less dark the all-pervading night, Into which I am plunged…


by Luis G. Dato To me God gave you as my destiny, The end, the essence, substance of my life, Your fate it is to be my bride, my wife, As to the setting sun the twilight sea. And you…


by Luis G. Dato What do you fear, O love, that you deny Your heart’s dear Paradise to this your slave, Why can’t you give that which ‘twere sin to have Ungiven, and for which all nights I sigh? Why…


by Luis G. Dato Would I were born not human, but a dog, I could then up and down mount your dear stair, Loll on your floor, or cuddle in your chair, And by your side at noons sleep like…


by Luis G. Dato “Tis said that love is blind — but not its eyes, Since sight of beauty all induces it, Nor call love so because for want of wit, Hell it confuses with its Paradise. Call not love…


by Luis G. Dato Sitting behind you in the bus today, My mind and heart declare themselves at war, The one pursues a distant, other star, The other, you, and seeks not far to stray. Thus I meet hindrance as…


by Luis G. Dato You know that Shakespeare wrote immortal verse, A hundred sonnets fifty-four it was, Well, I for you his record will surpass In this attempt my faint lyre to rehearse In flight melodious albeit not as terse.…


by Luis G. Dato Ah, call it foolishness, a dotard’s whim, Some lunar fancy of one getting old, Deem it base metal and not burnished gold, Or paroxysm of the mind grown dim. True, ‘tis beyond our depth, well past…


by Luis G. Dato My love is deep, O deeper than the sea Whose mystery will wash upon your shore, Its breakers burst on your heart evermore, Until they rest in you eternally. My sea in poignant, wandering reverie Shall…

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